
2024 / 08 / 03

■For health management! Thorough explanation of the regulations stipulated for drivers

■For health management! Thorough explanation of the regulations stipulated for drivers

For drivers, the body is capital, so health management is more important than other industries. Repeatedly driving for long hours can lead to accidents due to poor physical condition. To prevent this from happening, you will need to have a good understanding of the appropriate working hours for drivers. In this article, we summarize the regulations that protect the health of drivers and the points to maintain their health.


1 Health management regulations

In this paragraph, we will explain the provisions for driver health management such as continuous driving time, restraint time, rest and holidays.


1-1 Continuous possible operation time

Driver's continuous driving time is 4 hours. In other words, if you drive for more than 4 hours, you must immediately secure a rest period of at least 30 minutes. It is possible to divide the 30-minute break time, but the break time must be at least 10 minutes each time when driving is stopped within 4 hours. You can take three 10-minute breaks or two 15-minute breaks in four hours. Strictly follow the rules for continuous driving hours, and take time off as needed depending on the work situation.


1-2 Average driving time for 2 days

When you become a long-distance driver, there will be many cases where it is difficult to calculate the driving time per day. That's why we've decided to set a limit on the average driving time of two days. The average driving time over the two days is set at 9 hours, which the driver cannot exceed. Also, this does not mean that you can drive for 9 hours continuously, it is mandatory to put a break time in between.


1-3 Restricted time

The maximum driver restraint time is 13 hours. Depending on the situation, the upper limit can be set to 16 hours, but restraints exceeding 15 hours are limited to twice a week. When it comes to driving for a long time, there may be transportation that exceeds 15 hours one way. But such correspondence is possible only twice a week. If it is a route delivery that runs within a fixed range, the time is clear, but long-distance drivers need to be careful about the time limit.


1-4 Rest/holiday

Rest and holiday may sound similar, but there is a distinct difference between the two. A rest period is free time that is freed up between shifts. The rest period must be at least 8 hours per day and cannot be divided. It is not possible to divide it into 4 hours and take it twice, and it will be given for 8 hours in a row. Holidays are defined as breaks that are longer than the period of rest. On holidays, you can rest for the rest period plus 24 hours. In any case, it is a rule that holidays should not be less than 30 hours.


1-5 Health checkup

Drivers are obliged to undergo a medical examination. First of all, you will have to undergo a medical examination to prove that there are no physical problems at the time of employment. After that, there is a regular health checkup. The contents of the regular health checkup can be imagined as a general health checkup. In addition, if you are engaged in late-night work, a health checkup will be conducted for specific work workers. Remember, this applies to drivers who work late at night.


2 Health management that the driver can do by himself

This paragraph will explain how drivers can manage their own health. The first is diet. Drivers tend to have irregular eating times, and relying solely on service areas can lead to nutritional imbalances. As a countermeasure, drink vegetable juice regularly and be aware of a well-balanced diet on holidays. Adequate sleep is also essential for the health of drivers. Irregular sleep or lack of sleep can lead to sleep apnea, which makes you feel sleepy while driving. You should also do moderate exercise as much as possible. In particular, drivers who drive for long periods of time tend to have poor blood circulation, so exercise is meaningful to prevent this.



Follow the rules!

Drivers often end up in accidents because of poor health. Even if you are a veteran driver, it can be said that it is quite dangerous to work while having poor physical condition. It is important to always take care of your health. If you stick to the rules and be aware of your own health management, the risk of getting sick will be greatly reduced.





【 TransACT Group 】

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For Executives











2024 / 08 / 01

■What are the disadvantages of hiring executive drivers in-house?

■What are the disadvantages of hiring executive drivers in-house?

The job of an officer driver is mainly to transfer officers. There is a method of hiring in-house and a method of receiving dispatch service, but more and more companies are choosing dispatch service instead of hiring in-house. Introducing a number of disadvantages when adopting in-house.



■ It is necessary to carry out from recruitment to education in-house

One of the disadvantages of hiring an executive driver in-house is that the company has to take care of everything from hiring drivers to training and training. Hiring an experienced executive driver will make the education and training part a little easier, but finding such personnel will be difficult. In addition, executive drivers are also required to be compatible with executives and the personality of the driver himself, so finding the right person can be a daunting task. Of course, lowering the hurdles at the hiring stage will make hiring activities easier. For example, we will expand the scope of hiring not only to those who have experience in executive driving but also to those who have experience in business driving such as taxis. However, this makes it difficult to educate as an executive driver. If you want to avoid these disadvantages, it is better to use the driver dispatch service.


■ It is necessary to always secure personnel

The second disadvantage of in-house hired executive drivers is that it is difficult to always secure the necessary personnel. Officers' schedules are often overcrowded and move frequently. You may also suddenly need to use an officer's car due to an unplanned schedule. For such a case, it is necessary to have an officer driver resident. In the case of a large company where many officers use cars, it is necessary to always secure multiple officer drivers, but there is a risk that they will not be available due to the retirement or physical condition of the drivers. I can't say I'm sick today and I don't have a driver. This kind of thing can be solved by using the driver dispatch service.


■ Driver's accident responsibility must be borne by the company

The third disadvantage of self-employed drivers is that the company must be responsible for the driver's accident. An executive driver should be able to drive a car with high technology as a driving professional, but since he is a human being, he can make mistakes, so the possibility of accidents while driving is not zero. Accidents while picking up officers will be treated as accidents that occurred during work. In that case, the company will be liable for the accident. The disadvantage is that you are not freed from the risk of an accident, and it takes time and effort to find the appropriate automobile insurance in-house. In that respect, if you use the temporary staffing service instead of hiring yourself, you will not have an accident caused by an employee at work, and you will be able to avoid taking all responsibility.





【 TransACT Group 】

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2024 / 07 / 25

■What should I do when the owner is tired? What you can do to maintain the company

■What should I do when the owner is tired? What you can do to maintain the company

The manager is in a position where he / she has a heavy responsibility and is easily tired. There are many people who can't leave it to others and carry everything on their own. What should I do when the owner gets tired? In this article, we will consider the reasons why managers get tired and the impact they will have on employees, and explain what to do when they get tired, giving examples.



1. The tiredness of the manager is accumulated without noticing

Many people think that they like the job itself because it is a rewarding job for business owners. However, no matter how much fun you work, if you have trouble with your business performance or relationships, you can easily feel stress. In particular, human relationships are one of the major causes of stress because there are cases where one's own efforts cannot solve the problem. In addition, the pusher that is applied when cash flow does not go well will be a heavy burden for the management. As management deteriorates and employees leave, it feels like they are being cornered. When the accumulation of hard work reaches the limit, not only the body but also the mind can be destroyed.


2. The fatigue of the manager is transmitted to the employees

Management fatigue is easier to convey to employees than you can imagine. Negative emotions are unknowingly exposed. The tired face of the manager often fuels the anxiety of the employees. Depending on the situation, the atmosphere of the entire company may deteriorate and the motivation of employees may be lowered. If the morale of the entire company declines, there will be various adverse effects such as a proportional decline in sales and an increase in the number of retirees. As a result, business owners become more and more tired, and the bad atmosphere becomes even stronger, leading to a negative spiral that cannot be escaped.


3. What you can do to avoid getting tired of management

In this paragraph, I will introduce two main points that can be done to prevent management fatigue.


3-1. Talk to someone you can trust

It is said that stress tends to accumulate in the management of a company because it is difficult to consult with others. However, it is often difficult to solve everything on your own. Talking to someone you can trust or share your worries will relieve stress and may come up with a solution. Think carefully about whether there are any people around you to talk to.

The safest thing to do is to talk to the same business associates. A manager is a difficult job that carries the lives of employees and is constantly forced to make important decisions. Because of such a lonely position with heavy responsibility, the same manager will understand each other's feelings. Not only does it give you a sense of security, but you can also expect business advice on what measures you should actually take. If possible, it's best to talk to fellow business owners in the same industry, but there are many things you can get from different industries.

The approach of consulting with the family is not bad either. Talking to your family may not solve your work problems, but just having someone you trust will help you feel a little lighter. If you feel you need more mental follow-up, consider relying on a counselor. In the dialogue, the counselor finds out the real worries that the other person is potentially having. A counselor may be able to talk about content that is difficult to consult with family members and acquaintances.


3-2. Secure your time

Occasionally, some business owners decide to deal with all of the company-related issues themselves. It's important to have a sense of responsibility, but sometimes rely on others. It's a good idea to have the right people in the right positions and leave the rest to them. And try to create your own time. It is important to objectively analyze your working hours and cut off wasted time if you feel that you are overworked. Use the cut time for other things to do and rest.



Let's calmly organize the situation so as not to accumulate fatigue

If you try to do everything on your own, you will easily get tired. If you outsource just the means of transportation and schedule management, the burden may be surprisingly reduced. If you want to concentrate on work that only you can do, consider outsourcing such as dispatching a driver or secretary. The Transact Group will provide highly qualified staff and an environment to follow the management.





【 TransACT Group 】

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For Executives











2024 / 07 / 21

■Difficult? Introducing the work of an executive driver!


■Difficult? Introducing the work of an executive driver!



When you are looking for a new job, you may come across an announcement for the recruitment of executive drivers. Many people may be interested in the job, but hesitate to apply because they do not know the specific work content or the level of difficulty. Therefore, in this article, we will explain the work content and the differences from other drivers to serve as a reference for those who are considering becoming an executive driver.


1. Work content of an executive driver

Unlike taxis, executive drivers do not carry an unspecified number of people. They work exclusively for a company and only executives belonging to that company are allowed to ride in the car. The executives here include the president, and their main job is to transport them to and from work. Of course, it is not enough to just take them from home to work, but you are required to drive throughout the day according to the requests of the executives. Therefore, the specific working hours will be determined by the convenience of the executives. It is important to note that you cannot start and finish work at the same time every day.

By the way, after taking the executive to their destination, there is a waiting period until the executives finish their business. However, since there are many cases where the errand is finished earlier than planned, you cannot use the waiting time to go somewhere.


2. Special features of executive drivers

In addition to the fact that the people who provide services are limited to the executives of the company where you are employed, there are some special features of executive drivers. If you are aiming to become an executive driver, it is important to fully understand them. We will explain the characteristics and points to note unique to executive drivers so that you do not regret your job after you start working.


2-1. Heavy responsibility

The most important thing for an executive driver is a sense of responsibility. This is because the person who drives the car plays an extremely important role in the company. In addition, it is important for an executive driver not to simply drive the car to the destination, but to deliver the executive safely and comfortably. Therefore, having high driving skills as a professional driver is a prerequisite for doing this job. By the way, since the travel of executives is widespread, there are often cases where they use the Shinkansen and airports. In such cases, it is not acceptable under any circumstances to be late for departure.

In addition, by giving a ride to important people in the company, you will have more opportunities to come into contact with various information within the company. For example, phone calls and conversations heard from the back seat. Needless to say, such information should not be leaked carelessly, so no matter what you hear in the car, you must maintain confidentiality. For these reasons, executive drivers are expected to have a high sense of responsibility.


2-2. Consideration is required

The people that executive drivers drive are important to the company. Therefore, they are required to be polite and considerate of the other person at all times. For example, when parking the car, you must choose a place where it is easy to get in and out of the back seat, and if it is raining, you must get out first and put an umbrella over the other person. There are many other points to be careful about, such as carrying luggage and opening the door immediately after parking the car.

If possible, it would be ideal if you could analyze the personality and behavioral patterns of the executives and presidents you usually drive and be able to provide the kind of detailed consideration that suits them. Of course, it is important not only to be considerate, but also to observe basic manners.


2-3. Secretarial duties

Needless to say, the main job of an executive driver is to drive the car to the destination. However, in fact, there are cases where they have to take on secretarial roles as well. A typical example is schedule management, but in addition to that, they are required to have a certain degree of secretarial skills, including various attentions to detail. Therefore, as a rough understanding, you can think of an executive driver as a secretary whose main job is driving.





【 TransACT Group 】

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For Executives











2024 / 07 / 20

■Immediate force for sudden overseas transactions! What is the dispatch of executive secretaries?

■Immediate force for sudden overseas transactions! What is the dispatch of executive secretaries?

Various transactions are carried out every day in the company. There will be many sudden business talks. What should I do if a transaction occurs suddenly overseas and no one is familiar with the language of that country? How about using the dispatch service in such a case?



■ A secretary who understands the situation is recommended

The quickest way to find an experienced interpreter is to contact a temporary staffing agency specializing in interpreting. Some of these temporary staffing companies also have experienced executive secretaries. In an urgent situation where you have to find the right person or have limited time, it is essential to have someone with a wealth of experience in business negotiations and conference interpretation. Furthermore, since it is an important transaction, we must be human resources who can immediately grasp the situation and respond flexibly. It is even better if you have experience as an executive secretary with a wealth of practical experience who can be one of the executives. By asking a temporary staffing company, it is possible to secure human resources suddenly.


■ During a busy business trip! Leave the detailed work that you can't handle

Among overseas transactions, there is a possibility that a sudden overseas business trip may occur, or a business trip other than this transaction may occur. Many executives are busy, so there is a high possibility that their daily detailed work cannot keep up. Even if you are absent from the company, it is indispensable for the operation of the company to be able to carry out the work properly. In such a case, requesting the dispatch of an executive secretary on a limited schedule will alleviate your anxiety. Temporary agencies can handle dispatch work for a week or even days. If detailed work is accumulated, it will be a huge amount, so it may be a good idea to take the initiative and have an officer secretary dispatched.


■ E-mail and phone support overseas is perfect!

Having an executive secretary gives you a sense of security. Personnel registered with temporary staffing companies who have experience as executive secretaries have a track record in various companies. Many people are accustomed to working at the company to which they are dispatched as an immediate force in a different environment. Therefore, you can rest assured that you will be able to take care of basic business etiquette and hospitality, and have the experience of being able to calmly deal with unexpected situations. It is possible to respond immediately to emails from overseas, and you can rest assured that you will be able to answer the phone. It also has great insight to instantly determine the situation on the spot. If you have a sudden overseas transaction and want someone who can make the most contribution in that limited period of time, it is a good idea to ask an executive secretary.





【 TransACT Group 】

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For Executives











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