
2024 / 06 / 15

■The road to a secretary! What kind of person is suitable for a secretary?

■ The road to a secretary! What kind of person is suitable for a secretary?

The secretary supports the work of someone in an important post, such as an officer. Even if you say support in a bite, the work area is very wide, and it is desirable that you have the background to handle it. Without some aptitude, it can be difficult to keep working while feeling rewarding. So, this time, I will introduce the role of the secretary, and then explain who is suitable and who is not.



1. The role of secretary

Helping your boss get the job done smoothly is the secretary's main role. One of the specific tasks of a secretary is to create and manage an efficient schedule. It is also important to complete the related work in order to achieve the schedule. For example, if you plan to travel, you will also have to arrange flights, accommodation, and restaurants. In addition, it is the secretary's job to respond to phone calls and emails addressed to his boss. It is also an important role to respond and guide customers when they come to the workplace. Another task is to pay attention to the work environment. It is necessary to maintain a situation where you can concentrate on your work without delay, such as organizing your boss's desk and documents.


2. A person who is suitable for a secretary

If the secretary makes a mistake, there is a risk that it will lead to management problems. Therefore, it is perfect for people who are careful not to overlook any mistakes. In addition, the work of bosses is often fluid, and it is not uncommon for urgent and irregular situations to occur. Therefore, it is suitable for people who can flexibly respond to changes in things. In addition, it is important to understand what your boss needs because you need to understand the cooperation with your boss at a detailed level. Those who have the understanding and insight that are essential to them are also suitable. When supporting executives and executives, it is not uncommon to be exposed to company secrets. Therefore, it is also suitable for people who have a tight mouth and can accurately narrow down the range of information transmission. A secretary who carries out various tasks at the same time must remember many things, including the company name of the business partner and the job title of the other party. In other words, people with high memory have the ability to become excellent secretaries.


3. People who are not suitable for secretaries

A speedy stance is important for managing schedules and tasks in parallel. Therefore, lazy people and people who are loose on time may not be suitable for secretaries. Secretaries cannot choose their own boss to support, and often take charge of various bosses. Therefore, it may be unsuitable if you do not have the flexibility to adapt to others. It is also important to be able to notice your boss's request and quickly provide the information you need. Therefore, people who are reluctant or have low research skills will have high hurdles. Secretaries need to interact with a wide variety of people inside and outside the company. Therefore, if you are not good at communication or if you are unfriendly, you may feel that you are not suitable. In addition, it cannot be said that it is suitable for people who have strong self-assertion and are not satisfied unless they are the main characters. Because I need to work while recognizing myself as a secondary being to my boss.


4. Skills required for a secretary

When working at a company, it is necessary to acquire business etiquette, but if you are a secretary, remember that business etiquette is especially important. There are many opportunities to interact with busy people and talk to executives, so it is essential to try to make a concise report that is easy to understand. You must also fully understand the proper etiquette and wording used at that time. It is also important to have the ability to process information by assessing the importance of work and prioritizing it. Computer skills are also required, so it is desirable to master basic skills such as sending and receiving emails and typing so that you can use office apps properly. Furthermore, not only business etiquette but also general common sense that is indispensable for daily life is indispensable. This is because smooth communication requires the ability to respond to a variety of topics.



Understand what it takes to be a secretary

Secretaries need advanced skills and skills, and are also required to be knowledgeable. It's a tough job, but it's not impossible to be a secretary. By accumulating study and experience based on what you need to do and what you need to understand, you can open the way. First of all, it is important to thoroughly check the contents of the work and clarify the necessary abilities and knowledge by back calculation. Let's improve ourselves to become a secretary based on the effort to acquire them.





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2024 / 06 / 10

■Will the executive secretary do this? 3 selections!

■Will the executive secretary do this? 3 selections!

Regardless of whether the work of the executive secretary is an employee or a temporary worker, the routine work is common. Executive secretaries may be required to take a step ahead in their work. It is also required to work flexibly, accurately and quickly.



■ Customer support / telephone support

When working with an officer, you have to deal with a variety of visitors, including outside and inside people. In addition, you will receive many calls, so you need to be very careful not to make the other person feel uncomfortable with a polite response. It may not be possible for you to act as an executive secretary just by responding. Depending on the situation, you may work while changing the response from time to time. Experienced executive secretaries can instantly understand the status of supporting executives and decide who to take over or not. Sometimes there are uninvited guests, so we sometimes deal with them well without being noticed by them. To be able to grasp the situation so far, it is necessary to build a relationship of trust with the officers.


■ Business card management / customer data management

Business card management and customer data management are one of the important tasks for executive secretaries. This task may seem monotonous, but it is the ability of an experienced executive secretary to take advantage of this information as well as to manage it accurately. Since the memory of officers alone is limited, it is the officer's secretary's effort to remember a little information about the person who exchanged business cards on behalf of the officer and what he was talking about when he met. The same is true for customer data. You may have a chat during a business talk with a customer. Only an executive secretary is good at collecting the hobbies and insistences of the business partner from the conversation. In order to facilitate business relationships, we accurately grasp what the other person is pleased with and support the work of officers under the hood.


■ Mailing arrangement management / other management

The executive secretary undertakes all routine tasks so that executives can concentrate on their primary duties. You may receive a large amount of mail every day, so officers will not have time to open all of them. It is also necessary to sort these mail items and narrow down the items to be delivered. Furthermore, depending on the content of the mail, if you do not respond promptly, you may lose the trust of the other party. It is part of the executive secretary's important job to do all this steady work perfectly and smoothly.





 【 TransACT Group 】

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2024 / 06 / 05

■I understand because I am a secretary! Three characteristics of a decent person

■ I know because I'm a secretary! "Three characteristics" of a decent person

The secretary has experience working with numerous business people through schedule coordination and business negotiations. As a result, you will be able to understand the characteristics that are common to people who have a great job. Therefore, I would like to introduce three characteristics of a person who can be understood only by a secretary.



■ Part 1 Organize

The first characteristic of a person who can be seen by a secretary is the ability to keep things organized. In a straightforward example, you can tell if you're a good job by looking at what's on your desk. If you see a pile of documents on your desk, it's likely that you're not the one to get the job done. This is because the desks of the big guys are often so organized that there is almost nothing. Some people blame the busyness of their work for not being able to keep things organized on their desks, but those who are busy with their work do so to keep things organized in order to respond efficiently. Deki people are not only good at desks, but also at managing data on personal computers, writing schedule books, and so on.


■ Part 2 Quick response to emails, etc.

The second characteristic of a person who can be seen by a secretary is that he works fast. An example of how fast work can be seen is the speed of email response. Each person's response to an email has its own characteristics, with some responding immediately and others not responding without a reminder. It is common sense in business that you generally need to reply within 24 hours, but people who are not good at work are characterized by replying the moment they see the email. The reason is that there is no room for postponement, so it is necessary to make accurate decisions in each situation and proceed with work steadily. In addition to responding to emails, it is also a characteristic of people who can start work quickly and do not accumulate work. By doing so, the evaluation from the surroundings will increase and the trust will be gained. As a result, the decent people get busier and faster, and the speed of their work increases accordingly.


■ Part 3 Make the failures and successes of the surroundings your own learning

The third characteristic of a person who can be seen by a secretary is that he can learn from the mistakes and successes of those around him. In general, work ability improves with experience. Experiences include successful and unsuccessful experiences. It is normal for you to improve your work ability as you gain experience. However, the people who are crazy are different. The feature is that you can not only learn from your own experience, but also incorporate the experiences of those around you as your own experience. The more you can learn from the experience of others, the faster you will grow and the more you will be able to differ from your surroundings. In order to learn from others, it is necessary to have an attitude of looking straight at the essence and an unobtrusive mind. It can be said that a decent person also has such qualities.





 【 TransACT Group 】

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2024 / 06 / 01

■Officer driver dispatch service! 3 such merits!

■Officer driver dispatch service! 3 such merits!

It seems that there are various things that can happen when a dispatched professional driver is appointed as an officer driver. You may be able to hear valuable opinions while communicating in various ways. I tried to summarize what kind of good things can be done when welcoming a dispatched driver.



■ Creating a comfortable in-house environment

The dispatched driver is, so to speak, an outsider. Therefore, you may be able to hear valuable opinions while communicating in various ways. This is because, in the case of a dispatched driver, he may also be a driver of another company, or he may have been dispatched to another company. They will talk to you as much as they can tell you, so maybe the executives of your customers will tell you what to eat. Also, if you communicate with sales people who are active every day in company cars, you will be able to get information on loopholes that everyone did not know, and it seems that conversation will be lively. If you get along well with the dispatched driver, the atmosphere in the workplace will be fun.


■ Conversational ability to read the air

Dispatched drivers are trained in their own company, not only in driving ability but also in business etiquette and conversation ability. Therefore, the driver has excellent conversation ability and speaks so as not to offend people. We don't talk too much, we listen carefully to what our customers say, and we are trained to keep confidentiality. Also, the more experienced drivers are, the more experienced drivers will be able to talk to different people. The dispatched driver has a keen observation ability, so the longer you have a relationship, the deeper your understanding of the person will be, and the more you will be able to read the air and have a conversation.


■ Familiarize yourself with the route to your destination

Dispatched drivers are thoroughly trained in their company on how to deal with geography, road closures, and how to avoid traffic jams. They are educated to handle any situation. Its capacity may exceed the performance of the navigation system installed in the car. This seems to be refined not only by the results of the training but also by accumulating daily work experience. Also, because they have a keen observation ability, they often notice small changes even if they are on the same road. Therefore, I always get the latest information such as the new convenience store and the line up at that ramen shop. Therefore, it is possible to quickly respond to requests such as an officer suddenly wanting to eat and want to go to a restaurant.





【 TransACT Group 】

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For Executives












2024 / 05 / 27

■Use the executive driver dispatch service! What kind of car should it be?

■Use the executive driver dispatch service! What kind of car should it be?

When using a dedicated executive driver dispatch service, choosing a vehicle model is also important. If it becomes a car for executives, it may affect the image of the company. What kind of car is good as an executive car, such as appearance and taste? There seems to be no doubt that it is a luxury car, but it seems difficult to narrow down. Let's take a look at three representative cars.



■ Rolls-Royce, dignity of executives and presidents

Rolls-Royce is a luxury car that originated in England. Moreover, Rolls-Royce is used not only in the automobile industry, but also in the aircraft industry, and the engines of passenger aircraft that are active around the world are also used. A car equipped with an engine developed by such fine engineers is attractive. Furthermore, it is also a status that it is a car of the British government. Moreover, although it is now a domestically produced Century Hyatt, Rolls-Royce was also active as a royal car for the Emperor of Japan until a while ago. A Rolls-Royce might be the perfect vehicle for a company executive, as it's more of a hospitality vehicle than a vehicle to drive.


■A longing, Bentley

Bentley, like Rolls-Royce, is a car that is active as a prestigious British company. It is a brand that has a stronger character as a sports car manufacturer than Rolls-Royce. From 1923 to 1930, the ability to win the "24 Hours of Le Mans" endurance race five times overall has been proven as a sports car and a durable car. Some of the executives are car enthusiasts, and I think there are fans who know Bentley's success in racing. Currently, there is a sedan type designed to be used for company business purposes, and it is equipped with a powerful engine. A word to the officers How about Bentley? You can ask. You might like it.


■Mercedes-Benz cannot be missed when talking about luxury cars

Mercedes-Benz is synonymous with luxury cars, which originated in Germany. Even people who don't know much about cars will buy it without thinking if they want a luxury car. Isn't there a lot of people who long for the emblem called "three-pointed star"? Mercedes-Benz is also active in endurance races such as “Le Mans 24” and touring car races. Some of the officers may be secret fans who know the success of these races. It might be a good idea to ask executives if they like Mercedes-Benz.





【 TransACT Group 】

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