
2024 / 07 / 01

■Utilize dispatch for executive drivers who require advanced skills! ?

■Utilize dispatch for executive drivers who require advanced skills! ?

When hiring a temporary worker as an executive driver, driving skills are not the only qualifications required. I'm always with the officers, so I have to be someone who is always well-behaved. For that purpose, it is better to have a person who has the minimum necessary business etiquette. How can we hire such a person?



■ The driver is also the face of the company. If you are an officer, emphasize the manners of the driver

Drivers who are often with executives will often meet great people such as their customers. For such a person, it is important to be a person who can take an attitude that is not rude. Before you actually hire someone, you need to check if you can follow proper etiquette. Not only can you give basic greetings, but also those who have learned the minimum necessary business etiquette, such as having upper and lower seats in the car, are suitable. Also, a person with a certain degree of mouth may be suitable. Officers are also relaxed in the car. If the driver inadvertently talks to others about the complaints that the officer has spilled, he or she may miss a business opportunity. Furthermore, people who are well dressed and well-dressed are good.


■ Choose a temporary staffing company with a solid education system

When choosing a temporary staffing company, it is one of the effective means to judge whether the education system is solid. Some driver dispatch companies specialize in drivers such as executives and presidents. In such training at an executive driver dispatching company, not only driving skills but also business manners are trained at the same level as a secretary. We receive thorough training such as managing the schedule of officers and dealing with any customer without rudeness. Some companies even offer special training, such as consideration for female officers. In addition, some conversations with executives include information that cannot be shared by other companies. Isn't it important to choose a company that develops human resources who can maintain strict confidentiality?


■ You can only understand after dating for days. You can change if you are dispatched

Especially when you become a homecoming driver for executives, you have face-to-face conversations every day. You have to take care of yourself on both good and bad days. Even if your business etiquette is perfect, you don't want to take care of someone who makes you uncomfortable talking. However, it is good that you can easily change people by asking the temporary staffing company even during the contract. You may feel sorry for the person who quits, but if you are unpleasant, it is possible that the other person is also unpleasant. On the contrary, it may be possible to maintain a win-win relationship if you change it because it feels comfortable and incompatible.





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2024 / 06 / 25

■Three difficulties of the president who are hard to understand! How to solve it?

■Three difficulties of the president who are hard to understand! How to solve it?

The president is the head of the company and can run the company at his discretion. There is no need to look at the complexion of the boss, and it is a position that is socially regarded. When I was a new employee, there are many people who worked hard and wanted to become president someday. However, the president has a heavy responsibility and there is immeasurable pressure. For those who find it difficult and difficult to be the president, I will introduce how to overcome it.



1. The difficulty that many presidents feel

The president, who is the head of the company, is not only responsible for everything that happens within the company, but also for the family, life and business partners of our employees. Strategy and cash flow to keep the company alive are also important tasks of the president. The president never rests, and the pressure is not normal. I would like to introduce the difficulties that many presidents feel.


1-1. "Weight of responsibility" that cannot be tolerated

Even in the same company, the president and employees have different responsibilities. As the head of the company, the president is responsible for everything in the company and must continue to make sales in order to keep the company alive. Furthermore, the president is required to manage the company with an eye on the future as well as the present. All final decisions must be made by the president, but mistakes can change the fate of the company and cannot be tolerated. The president is constantly under pressure.


1-2. Full of money with cash flow "Weight of money"

The company isn't just when it has big sales. Even if there is no problem in the management of the company itself, sales may drop due to social conditions or disasters. But with or without sales, the president has to pay his employees. Companies that do not have sufficient funds and stable income may go bankrupt due to slight changes in the environment. It is the president's job to think about how to continuously profit to protect employment and how to respond to changes in the environment. The heads of many presidents are always full of cash.


1-3. I'm worried about what you think "employee's eyes"

The president is in a lonely position. Employees can help each other when work is difficult, and doing so creates a sense of solidarity. However, there is only one president. Even if you are a companion who was forgiving when you were employees, the relationship may change when your position changes. The feelings of the president can only be understood by the person who became the president. Sometimes the president wants to share the pain and complain, but from a standpoint, he can't say anything devious. This is because the words and actions of the president can lead to misunderstandings by employees. If you are far from the employees, you may not be able to grasp what the president himself thinks, and you may pass each other and see with white eyes.

Even if the employees do not understand it, the president must make an effort to bring the employees together and understand their feelings. Occasionally, employees may not understand and be hated. As a president, you need to be prepared to make difficult decisions to protect the company even if your employees dislike it.


2. To eliminate the difficulty, "concentrate on your work as president"

The president is constantly suffering from loneliness and anxiety. You may not be able to sleep if you think that your judgment was correct or that there was another better way. Many presidents are about to be overwhelmed by the pressure that the company may go bankrupt if the cash flow goes wrong. However, even if you think about it, you will not be anxious. It's a waste of energy to think about a crisis that hasn't happened. Focusing only on what you should do as president is the best way to get rid of your anxieties and move your company for the better.



Organize what you should do and focus only on your work

It is important for the president to do his best to do the work that only the president can do. First of all, it is recommended to organize the work to be done as president. It is also important to streamline your work so that you can focus on your work. Traveling does not exhaust your physical strength, and you can use it to collect information about the other party, prepare for meetings, or take a short break during the travel time to improve work efficiency. Hire a driver or secretary for best performance.





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2024 / 06 / 23

■Is it natural that the president's working hours are long? Two ways to use your time efficiently

■Is it natural that the president's working hours are long? Two ways to use your time efficiently

■ Is it natural that the president's working hours are long? Two ways to use your time efficiently



I'm busy working long hours every day, but I think there are many people who leave long working hours as they are because they are the president. You shouldn't leave long working hours just because you're the president, but think about what you can do to work efficiently. In this article, we will explain the disadvantages of long working hours and how to increase productivity and work efficiently.


1. The president is not subject to the Labor Standards Law! Even the president who has been working all the time

The Labor Standards Law stipulates guidelines that are the minimum standards for workers required to work. Workers are hired and do not have the authority to decide on working hours, wages, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to firmly protect the rights of workers under the Labor Standards Law so that they will not be forced to work long hours or be hired at unreasonably low wages. On the other hand, managers such as the president and sole proprietor are people who are in a position to hire people. Since I have some decision-making power, I am not a worker in the sense that I am in a position where I can manage myself without observing my rights under the Labor Standards Law. In other words, the president does not have a fixed working time and may work long hours without holidays.


2. There is also the disadvantage that productivity decreases if you work without holidays.

It is said that working long hours has the disadvantage of reducing productivity. In the 2017 Annual Economic and Fiscal Report released by the Cabinet Office, there is a report in Chapter 2 on changes in working styles and their impact on the economy and people's lives. The report states that internationally, countries with shorter working hours per capita have higher productivity per capita. In addition, as of 2015, Germany, which has the shortest working hours per person among OECD countries, has a total working hours of 1300 hours, which is about 80% of the total working hours of Japan. However, Germany's per capita labor productivity has been found to be nearly 50% above Japan's standards. From this result, you can see that it is not enough to work long.


3. How to be more productive and reduce working hours

How can you be more productive and work less hours?


3-1. Focus on "President's work"

It is important for the president to concentrate on work that only the president can do. Some presidents who work long hours do their own work that can be left to employees or outsourced. The president's job includes thinking about management strategies, building and instilling the company's philosophy and vision, and protecting employees and their families. If your company is still small, new customer acquisition and marketing strategies will also be important. If you work long hours while spending time on work that can be done by someone other than the president, there is a risk that your job as president will be neglected. Thinking about what should be the top priority in running a company, I think we should have as much time as possible for work that only the president can do.


3-2. Let's take a break

The first benefit of taking a break is the relief of tension. It may take about 15 minutes, so taking a break between work will relieve tension and relieve fatigue. It is also important to take a short break by taking advantage of the gap time such as travel time. The second is to be able to switch feelings. If you concentrate too much, your field of vision may be narrowed, but the president's work cannot be done with a narrow field of vision. Take a break and switch your mind to regain a broader perspective. The third is to reduce careless mistakes. If you work for a long time, your brain will get tired and you will lose your concentration. Regain concentration and reduce small oversights by exercising and drinking.



You should review how you spend your time so that you don't work long hours

The president should concentrate on the work that only the president can do. Why not hire a driver or secretary to avoid working long hours? If you are driving and traveling on your own, hiring a driver will allow you to spend your travel time on breaks. Think hard for the development of your company and not to harm your own health.





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2024 / 06 / 20

■What is the difference between full-time employees and temporary staffing?

■What is the difference between full-time employees and temporary staffing? Is the cost so different

Some executive secretaries are full-time employees, while others are dispatched. Depending on the company policy, it is common for the same occupation to have different employment patterns. Then, in terms of labor costs, what is the difference in costs between regular employees and temporary staffing?



■ What is the market price for regular employee secretaries?

Since the salary is determined according to the salary level of the company you are hiring, it is difficult to say that this is the case. Just as the salary level differs depending on the industry, the salary of the executive secretary will be adjusted accordingly. Also, as a tendency, domestic companies and foreign-affiliated companies may have different salary systems, so their annual income may differ considerably. Especially in the case of a full-time executive secretary of a foreign-affiliated company, the salary is decided based on the experience of the previous job and the wishes of the person when hired, so even if it is the same company's job as an executive secretary However, it is normal for the hired person to have a different annual salary. Therefore, the average salary can only be paid in a rough amount. The range of annual income of those who work as executive secretaries tends to be wide, ranging from 5 million yen to 10 million yen for both domestic and foreign companies.


■ What is the market price for dispatching executive secretaries?

In the case of temporary work, you will be working on an hourly wage. The average hourly wage is between 1,500 and 2,500 yen. If you work overtime to this hourly wage, the hourly wage for overtime will be added. Assuming that you work as a temporary worker with an hourly wage of 2,500 yen and you do not work overtime, your annual income will be about 5 million. The hourly wage of 2,500 yen falls into the high category as a dispatched executive secretary, so there is a possibility that you are a person with considerable skills, experience, and language skills. Considering that, hiring temporary staff may be very beneficial in terms of labor costs.


■ Full-time employee? Dispatch? Choose the right one for your company

When hiring an executive secretary as an employee, the estimated annual income is about 5 to 10 million as mentioned above. Insurance premiums such as welfare pension and health insurance, welfare expenses, bonuses, etc. will be added separately, so it will cost more than this. When hiring for temporary staffing, various insurance premiums and welfare expenses will be borne by the temporary staffing company, so it is sufficient to consider a budget of about 5 million per year. Certainly, in terms of labor costs, we can see that there is a big difference between the two. However, it also has the role of an executive secretary who must be an employee, such as handling confidential information. Companies considering hiring will need to carefully scrutinize their work and decide what form of employment to hire, not just in terms of cost.





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2024 / 06 / 17

■Is it directly linked to the growth of the company? !! I will explain the work of the president

■ Is it directly linked to the growth of the company? !! I will explain the work of the president

■ Is it directly linked to the growth of the company? !! I will explain the work of the president



It is no exaggeration to say that whether or not a company grows depends on the work of the president. This is especially true for small and medium-sized enterprises. So what is the job done by the president of a growing company? On the contrary, what kind of work is the president of a company that is not expected to grow? In this article, I will explain the work that the president should give special priority to.


1. About the work of the president

The most important part of the president's job is to make decisions about the company. The result of that decision will have a significant impact on the growth of the company. Whether or not you can make a solid decision depends on the ability of the president. The ability and sense of the president is not limited to the talent and sense that he was born with. If the president himself is busy doing chores that anyone can do, even the most savvy person will lose his or her decision-making ability. Even if you are not blessed with talent and sense, if you concentrate on the president's work and make repeated decisions, it is likely that the accuracy of your decisions will improve. In other words, the ability of the president depends on whether he can concentrate on his work on a daily basis. The work of the president is diverse, but the most important area can be said to be management strategy.


2. The work of the president that changes depending on the stage of the company

The company has stages depending on the degree of growth, and the work content of the president changes accordingly. It's important to be aware of what stage your company is in and focus on the job that suits your situation.

In the first stage, when you're just starting a business, you have to do all the work yourself. Whether or not your business is on track depends on your initial idea. In addition, the key to growth is to work efficiently within a limited amount of time. When you increase the number of customers through sales and marketing and have a certain number of employees, the company will enter the stage of stable operation. At this stage, management will be stable, so you will be able to develop your business smoothly without making any noticeable efforts. It's a cozy zone, and many companies remain in this stage of stable operation.

In the next stage, which has grown further from the state of stable operation, the scale of the company will grow and the business will become more complicated. In order to clarify the direction of the company, the president must establish a new management vision. When aiming for further growth, it will be difficult for one person to steer the management. You need to build a management team and work together to grow your company.


3. Work that the president should do

What kind of work should the president do?


3-1. Understanding the numbers

Understanding company numbers is an essential task for the president, who has the role of making business strategy decisions. Some companies may leave the numbers to the accounting, but I have to say that it is a problem that the president does not understand the numbers of the company at all. If you can't tell if your company is doing better or worse, you can't make a strategy. If you understand the numbers and make predictions for the future, you can take the initiative correctly.


3-2. Improving the accuracy of numbers

Company figures are aggregated in the financial statements. The president must read the financial statements and get a firm grasp of the business situation of the company. If you don't know where and how much it costs, you run the risk of making mistakes that suggest irrelevant cost cuts. In other words, if you don't improve the accuracy of the numbers, the accuracy of your company decisions will decrease.


3-3. Setting company goals

Setting company goals is one of the most important tasks for the president. The ability of a company to grow has a lot to do with being able to set the right goals. Visions and corporate philosophies are important, but profit goals are easy to understand when sharing with employees. It is necessary to set a target for gross profit and operating profit margin, and if it cannot be achieved, identify areas where improvements can be made.


3-4. Make and execute a plan to achieve the goal

You need to plan and execute to achieve the goals you have set. Let's correctly grasp and solve the management issues between the current situation and the goals. We will implement it according to the plan, and repeat the verification of the effect and the revision of the plan to get closer to the goal.


3-5. Establishing corporate permanence

In order to continue to survive as a long-lived company, it is necessary to build a management system that can predict the risk of decline and prevent it. There are various economic and social conditions, but it is the president's important role to anticipate the future potential as much as possible and do as much as possible. Let's carry out the establishment of the permanence of the company as the responsibility of the president.


4. How to focus on the president's work

The president has a great responsibility, and he needs to do the work he needs to do. In order to concentrate on the work of the president, it is important to make room for the company. If the company does not have the spare capacity, the president himself will do the work of the department that is not enough, and he cannot concentrate on the work that the president should do. If you can't concentrate on the work of the president, try to make room for the company by devising ways such as raising the prices of products and services. On top of that, it is recommended to hire a secretary or driver to create an environment where you can concentrate on your work. The president is the heart of the company, and in order to maintain the life of the company, he must concentrate on his work.



■ Leave a secretary and concentrate on the president's business!

There are many jobs that only the president can do. Having a secretary has the advantage that you can concentrate on the president's business, and having an understanding person close to you makes you feel better mentally. Transact is a company that provides the introduction of highly qualified and excellent human resources and the creation of an environment. We offer optimal proposals that meet the needs of customers, such as dispatched labor, temporary staffing, temporary staffing, and business contracting, so why not consider using them?





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