
2024 / 10 / 15

■Must-see for women! 3 secretarial skills that are useful to know!

■Must-see for women! 3 secretarial skills that are useful to know!

A secretary is a job that supports important people such as the president of a company and members of parliament. Therefore, the range of secretarial work is wide and various skills are required. Therefore, I will tell you about three skills of secretary's communication ability, clerical ability, and responsiveness that are useful to know.



■ What is communication skills learned from a secretary?

The first useful skill you can learn from your secretary is communication skills. There are two aspects to communication skills. One is communication ability as multilingual ability. The company has a wide network of contacts such as the president, and secretaries are required to have dialogues with people all over the world. Therefore, it is not uncommon to work by making full use of skills to handle multiple foreign languages ​​such as Chinese as well as English. The other is communication skills as a bargaining ability. The secretary may not only coordinate the schedule, but also act as a coordinator for solving management issues. Secretaries are required to have a high level of bargaining ability because they need to talk to people from various departments inside and outside the company to proceed with their work.


■ What is the clerical ability of secretaries?

The second secretarial skill that is useful to know is clerical skills. It will be difficult for a secretary to get along without high clerical skills. The clerical work that the secretary is assigned to is diverse. It is necessary to take measures such as schedule management, creation of materials used in meetings, and information gathering. If you are a regular employee, you are allowed to work according to your abilities to some extent, but the secretary must work at the speed of the boss you support. Moreover, in addition to creating documents that the boss feels easy to understand, it is also possible to give as much consideration as possible, such as adding specialized information and adding the characteristics of the negotiating partner, assuming the situation where the documents will be used. is important. By repeating such clerical work, the secretary's clerical ability will improve.


■ What is the secretary's terrifying responsiveness?

The third skill that is useful to know is responsiveness. Responsiveness is the ability to respond flexibly to the situation that occurs in front of you. If this is not possible, it will not be possible to play a role in preparing the work environment for those who support it as a secretary. Knowledge and experience are the basis of this responsiveness. A good secretary has not only knowledge of secretarial work, but also knowledge of all business in the company, general knowledge of business, and general knowledge of society. In addition, the experience of dealing with numerous troubles and overcoming difficulties will give you terrifying responsiveness. It is difficult to be able to respond to jumps, but it is a skill that can be obtained by steadily accumulating effort and experience.





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2024 / 10 / 10

■Leave the interaction with foreign customers to us! Recommendation of executive secretary

■Leave the interaction with foreign customers to us! Recommendation of executive secretary

There are many skills required for an executive secretary, but among them, language skills are one of the indispensable skills for an executive secretary in a company that has many transactions with foreign countries. What other qualifications would you like to have.



■ Recommended for foreign-affiliated companies! CAP acquisition secretary

CPS (CAP) is a US official secretary qualification with a history of more than 50 years in the United States. Secretaries with this qualification not only have a high level of English proficiency, but also have the qualifications necessary to work in an international business environment. Those who have taken the exam and are certified as CPS (CAP) know the IT knowledge necessary for business and the appropriate data management method. In addition, it has the communication skills necessary for business and can make appropriate decisions flexibly according to the situation. It can be said that we can handle the handling of documents, prepare for meetings, and prepare minutes. Executive secretaries who have obtained this qualification may have more credibility and a sense of security in their work, in addition to their practical experience.


■ Recommended for foreign-affiliated companies! MBA Secretary

MBA is a Master of Business Administration degree earned by those who have completed a business school. It is a program that specializes in the skills and education necessary to become an executive, which started in the United States. Learn accounting, marketing, human resources and other knowledge and management strategies to become an international standard business professional. In addition, there are many hands-on lessons and assignments such as discussions and virtual projects, so you can acquire communication skills and logical thinking skills. If you are an executive secretary with an MBA, you are learning the way of thinking and knowledge at the management level, so you can understand the position of executives and the company and interact with external customers. I don't have any problem with my English ability, so I think it's safe to leave the communication with foreign customers.


■ Reliable work experience

Not only qualifications and degrees, but also work experience is important. It is not uncommon for foreign-affiliated companies and domestic companies to have frequent transactions with foreign countries. For such companies, executive secretaries may be required to have language skills. People who have experience in in-house interpreting or translation work as freelancers, temporary staff, or employees may also be active as executive secretaries, and such human resources can be said to be reassuring. Especially in the case of interpreting, I often attend business talks with important foreign customers. By understanding the foreign corporate culture as well as the basic manners of hospitality, the meeting can proceed smoothly. There are many executive secretaries who have experience working with foreigners on a regular basis in business, and it is even more reassuring to have such personnel.





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2024 / 10 / 07

■Is Paid Vacation Obligatory? How should executive drivers be given paid leave?


■ Is paid vacation obligatory? How should executive drivers be given paid leave?

It can be said that it is surprisingly difficult to get paid leave as desired by executive drivers. Since they work together with managers and executives and have urgent tasks, they probably want them to be on standby at all times. This article introduces the obligation to grant paid leave, including executive drivers, and how to proceed smoothly with work while taking leave, for managers looking for a solution to the problem.



1. Paid leave stipulated by the Labor Standards Act

Article 39 of the Labor Standards Act obliges employees to grant paid leave. Employees who have been employed for six months or more and who work 80% or more of their working hours must be given at least 10 days of paid leave per year. The work-style reform-related bills that went into effect in April 2019 have made it even more stringent to take paid leave, and companies are now obligated to take at least five days of paid leave each year. Failure to do so will result in imprisonment of up to 6 months or a fine of up to 300,000 yen. Paid vacation days are determined through discussions with employees. In addition, when there is an application, you must try to comply with the request as much as possible. However, if the company has an important schedule, it is possible to ask the employee to change the date by mutual agreement. Of course, it is illegal to arbitrarily incorporate it into Obon and year-end and New Year holidays. Also, in principle, you cannot purchase paid holidays.


2. In case of intermittent work exemption

Due to the nature of the work of an executive driver, it can be said that the work is irregular and tends to be tied up for long hours regardless of day or night or weekends. When urgent work comes in, the driver must also respond. If the manager is entertaining guests at golf or restaurants, they may be waiting on the road. If such work has become a regular occurrence, it is necessary to apply for "intermittent work exemption". A person who works like an executive driver falls under Article 41 of the Labor Standards Law, "Persons engaged in intermittent work." This is an employee who has a short break time but a long waiting time (the time when he/she must immediately start working when instructed by the employer). If necessary, the company will submit an application to the local Labor Standards Inspection Office. At this time, the worker's name and personal seal are also required. However, in reality, there are many companies that do not apply, partly because the criteria for accepting applications are strict. The application of working hours and rest/holiday provisions is exempted, but the provision of paid leave equivalent to vacation is not exempted. It should be noted that even if the application is accepted, the company has an obligation to obtain it.


3. If it is difficult to freely grant paid leave, use dispatch

There are probably many managers who think, "I want executive drivers to take paid leave to refresh themselves" and "I want them to take it on days that meet their wishes as much as possible." However, for busy business owners, it is no surprise that there are many cases where they are in trouble without a driver. If it is difficult to grant free paid leave, we would like to use a dispatched executive driver. There are three benefits to using dispatch. The first is that even if the driver suddenly becomes sick, has an accident, or has a family member's misfortune, a replacement will be dispatched, so the work of the manager will not be affected. The temporary staffing agency shares information about the contracted companies, so there is also the advantage of being able to respond smoothly, unlike taxis and ordinary driving agents. Second, by hiring an executive driver dispatched for only one day, you can let your company's executive driver take paid leave. It is true that one-time use is more expensive than regular use or monthly contract, but it can be used conveniently when you cannot agree on the days when you take paid holidays. The third is that you can receive high-quality service because you have received etiquette training as a driver at the dispatching agency. Executive drivers are required to have higher quality driving skills than taxi drivers. Also, in addition to normal work, there are situations such as taking on a part of entertainment work, so you must be familiar with manners. Acquiring these skills through in-house training is both costly and time consuming, but dispatched executive drivers can handle this immediately. In the unlikely event that your favorite driver quits, the same level of staff will be dispatched immediately.



Paid vacation is mandatory, so let's give paid vacation to executive drivers

Paid holidays are mandatory for all occupations. This is the same even for executive drivers who are irregular and have a lot of waiting time due to the balance of work with managers and executives. You can apply for exemptions for working hours, breaks, and holidays, but you cannot apply for exemptions for paid holidays. In order to facilitate the work of executives and managers, dispatching is useful for taking leave for company executive drivers. As a dispatched executive driver, you can continue to receive high-quality service when you need it.





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2024 / 10 / 05

■Think about the health management of executive drivers

■Think about the health management of executive drivers

Officer drivers must avoid accidents when picking up officers. Therefore, it can be said that safe driving is important. However, health management is also important for the work of executive drivers. Therefore, let's take a look at the health examinations that executive drivers receive.



■ About the health checkup of dispatched drivers

Officers If there is a problem with the driver's health, it often leads to an accident. This can pose a danger to the officers. Officers and drivers must take care of officers' safety when picking up and dropping off, so they must manage their health condition. Therefore, if you engage in this work, you will be required to undergo a medical examination by the company at least once a year. The health checkup will be done at a medical institution designated by the company. It measures height, weight, blood pressure, and tests blood, urine, and electrocardiogram. Symptoms that can easily lead to an accident while driving a car include impaired consciousness, seizures due to epilepsy, and heart disease. Therefore, blood pressure values ​​and the presence or absence of abnormalities in the electrocardiogram will be of particular importance in health examinations.


■ About health checkups when operating at night

Officers' schedules are often scheduled late at night. Therefore, the officer driver may operate at night to pick up and drop off the officer. However, if a person is active late at night, the body clock will become abnormal. As a result, the circulatory system is vulnerable to functional deterioration and various diseases. People who operate at night are in an environment that tends to be unhealthy, so we must work harder to manage our health. The Occupational Safety and Health Law stipulates that a person engaged in work must undergo a health examination at least once every six months at midnight. Therefore, executive drivers who operate at night will have to undergo a medical examination at least twice a year.


■ Summary

Health problems cause car accidents. In some cases, it could be a serious accident that could be fatal. Many of the people who work as executive drivers tend to be middle-aged and older. As people grow older, problems arise in different parts of their bodies. Therefore, it is a matter of course for executive drivers to undergo a medical examination and manage their health in order to carry out their duties safely. Officers and drivers undergo a medical examination at least once a year at the company. Where the service operates at night, you must have a medical examination at least twice a year. In terms of being aware of your health condition on a daily basis, it is preferable to have a medical examination at least twice a year. It is also important to make sure to manage your physical condition on a daily basis, not just when you receive a medical examination.





【 TransACT Group 】

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2024 / 10 / 02

■ What are the benefits of introducing a secretary?

■ What are the benefits of introducing a secretary?

Many business owners wonder whether or not they should hire a secretary. The reason why you can't make up your mind easily is because you don't understand the benefits of having a secretary. A secretary is very important for the smooth running of business. In this article, I will explain what kind of benefits will be born by hiring a secretary.



1.Benefits of introducing a secretary

What kind of impact does having a secretary actually have? Here are some of the benefits of hiring a secretary.


1-1. You can concentrate on your main business

Determining corporate policies and talking with executives of business partners are the “main duties” that only managers can perform. However, busy managers have various clerical work other than the main business. If you have a secretary, you can entrust the secretary with work that the manager does not have to do directly. This creates an environment in which managers can concentrate only on their main business. As a result, decision-making, which forms the basis of management, will be smoother. Depending on the secretary's ability, you may be entrusted with all aspects of complicated procedures, preparation of materials and documents, schedule management, etc. Managers don't get bogged down in unnecessary things and focus only on important tasks. The efficiency of the main business is increased, and it is possible to have a positive impact on the entire company.


1-2. Oversee miscellaneous affairs

In essence, it is the manager's responsibility to manage miscellaneous affairs. In addition to managing schedules, answering phone calls and emails, and creating various documents, there are a wide variety of miscellaneous tasks. In addition to business, miscellaneous tasks include telegrams for condolence and auspicious occasions, preparation of gifts, planning of ceremonies, and communication with business partners. However, it is very stressful to handle such a large number of miscellaneous tasks on the side of the main work. Therefore, there are not a few managers who have their secretaries supervise miscellaneous affairs. A good secretary can do more than just sort out miscellaneous affairs, it can even do quality checks. The secretary assigns miscellaneous tasks to the right person in the right place and produces the same results as the manager himself while giving accurate instructions. As a result, the communication costs that the management had to bear will be reduced.


1-3. Become a partner in management and business

Business owners sometimes feel lonely that they have no one to talk to about their business troubles. Even executives are subordinates to managers, so it is not uncommon for them to be unable to speak frankly. However, the secretary is preoccupied with communication with the individual manager. Since it is not a position that belongs to a hierarchical relationship or faction of the company, the manager does not have to feel tied up. In addition, you can feel free to ask for advice because you can rest assured that confidentiality will be maintained. If a manager has a secretary as a business or project collaborator, she can get an objective opinion. Secretaries have nothing to do with career advancement in the company, so they may give you blunt advice. In the meantime, the secretary will become a familiar understanding of the management.


1-4.It will improve the image of your boss and the company.

A secretary is a job that reduces the burden on managers and officers and supports them. Hiring a secretary you can trust will make it easier for you to delegate the most responsible tasks. If the secretary can handle miscellaneous tasks that were supposed to be done by the manager himself, the efficiency of internal work will be realized. Projects that have stopped due to the busyness of managers will be able to move smoothly. In addition, managers can communicate directly with important business partners outside the company. If these influences continue, the impression of management will improve both inside and outside the company. Ultimately, the image of the company will improve, which will lead to more customers and profits.



A secretary is an essential support role for improving work efficiency.

For managers and executives, a secretary is an important presence to concentrate on the main business. It also plays an important role when you want to streamline your company's operations. If you're wondering whether or not to hire a secretary, think positively. Plus, if you want to keep costs down, online assistants are a great option. You can hire a highly experienced secretary at a low price, and the handover after retirement is smooth.





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