
2024 / 08 / 27

■Does waiting time for drivers fall under working hours?

■Does waiting time for drivers fall under working hours?

Some of those who work as drivers may be wondering whether the "waiting time" when not driving is included in the working hours. Even though it's waiting time, it's not like you're free to do whatever you want during break time. In this article, we will introduce in detail such as "What is waiting time?", "Does waiting time get paid?"



1. What is the driver's waiting time (waiting time)?

"Waiting time" is also called "waiting time", and refers to the time the shipper or logistics facility waits until the unloading operation begins. In other words, it is the waiting time when no actual work is being done. However, unlike break time, it is not a time freed from work, so it does not mean that you are free to do whatever you want. I am waiting for instructions on what to do next. For example, even if you arrive at the scheduled time, you may have to wait for several hours depending on the convenience of the other party. The longer the waiting time, the longer the next job will be delayed, resulting in longer working hours.

If waiting time is not included in working hours, it will be treated as rest time. Actual working time is reduced by the amount of waiting time even though there is no actual break. A reduction in working hours will affect your income. Considering the income side, it can be said that "whether waiting time corresponds to working time" is a very big problem. By the way, if we take truck drivers as an example, the criteria for determining whether it is a break time are: “Whether you can leave the place freely”, “Whether the next work start time has been decided”, “Whether you can spend time freely”, and “Stop”. Do we need to monitor the vehicle inside?”


2.Do you get paid for waiting time?

In conclusion, ``waiting time for drivers of trucks, buses, taxis, etc. is binding time, and it is respectable working time.'' Article 41, Item 3 of the Labor Standards Act also stipulates that waiting time corresponds to working hours. However, it is difficult for drivers to control their own waiting time, and there were many companies that instructed them to record it as a break time in order to hide the fact that they were working long hours. Whether or not you get paid depends on whether the driver is under the direction of the employer. Being under command means "a state in which work must be started as soon as an order is received". Make sure to keep a record of how long you are under command.


3. Efforts to solve the latency problem

Before 2017, there were a large number of vendors who did not respond appropriately even though "waiting time is included in working hours". In some cases, they were not getting the correct income for the actual hours worked. Therefore, in July 2017, a part of the "Freight Truck Transportation Business Transportation Safety Regulations" was revised. Regarding truck drivers, it is obliged to record the waiting place, arrival, departure, loading and unloading time, etc. in the driver's record when the shipper waits for the convenience of the shipper. This makes it easier to prove that waiting time is separate from rest time.

If you are already working as a driver or want to work as a driver in the future, it is important to change jobs or get a job at a company that does not record waiting time as break time. As long as it is properly stated in the law, it is illegal to record waiting time as break time. Getting a job at a company that does not engage in such acts will help you protect yourself.



Let's work without anxiety at a reliable office!

In this article, I introduced that the waiting time of the driver is included in the working hours. It is illegal to record waiting time as break time. However, it is important to choose a business office that has a well-established system because it differs depending on the business office and company. "Transact" is looking for drivers who can work with high benefits, so it's a good idea to check it out.





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2024 / 08 / 25

■Is there a salary for the waiting time? Explain how executive drivers work!

■Is there a salary for the waiting time? Explain how executive drivers work!

Many executive drivers have the image of getting a high salary because they are drivers. However, some people may have stopped changing jobs because they are worried about how the waiting time will be handled and whether they will be working on holidays. Therefore, here, we will explain the salary of executive drivers on standby and the treatment of working on holidays.



1. What is the job of an executive driver?

An executive driver is a driver who transfers executives, including the president who works for a specific company. In some cases, you will be dispatched from a taxi company. Since we sometimes carry people from outside the company, we need the technical ability to drive according to the needs of our customers. It is also part of my job to be courteous and always be attentive. Working hours must be in line with the officer's schedule. As a result, executive drivers often have to work on holidays or work overtime.


2. How long is the driving time per day?

The amount of time an officer driver drives throughout the day depends on the officer's schedule. First of all, the day's work begins when you pick up at the officer's home. After sending an officer to the company, there is a waiting time until the officer finishes his duties. As soon as the officer's work is finished, I will drive to the officer's house again. Driving time also depends on how far the executive's house is from the company. Generally, it seems that you will drive for about 2 to 4 hours a day. When an officer goes to a business partner, he / she must pick up and drop off at the destination. When traveling far away, we may pick you up at the airport or train station, so driving time may be longer depending on the pick-up location.


3. Is the waiting time a break time?

The officer driver must be on standby while the officer is in business. Except for the driving time, all the time is waiting time. For this reason, executive drivers generally wait 5 to 7 hours for 2 to 4 hours a day. If you include breaks, you will be detained for 9 hours a day. The waiting time is not free, but it is used for checking the schedule of officers, cleaning the car and doing maintenance. It is important to prepare carefully so that officers and business partners can board with peace of mind.

In addition, wages will be incurred during the waiting time when you are not driving, so we will do a preliminary survey so that we can always provide high-quality service while waiting. If an officer visits a business partner, know the route to the business partner. Remember the back roads and the shortest route, even in the event of an accident or traffic jam. If officers have lunch on the move, it's also important to find out what restaurants are on the road.

Basically, it is not necessary for the officer driver to speak positively, but when the officer speaks, it is necessary to answer accurately. Therefore, make sure that you can deal with topics such as traffic information, weather, and social conditions on a daily basis so that you can talk to them at any time. Even if you are told a topic that you do not understand, you need the ability to talk together. It is also the duty of the officer driver to take care to create a good atmosphere inside the car so that the officer can work comfortably.


4. Do you have designated working hours?

The working hours of executive drivers are the same as those of general employees, and the basic working hours are fixed. Therefore, it is not a commission system like a taxi driver, so it can be said that the monthly salary is often stable. However, although working hours are fixed, there are many cases where officers ask for pick-up and drop-off during non-working hours. For entertainment and errands with business partners, you are required to pick up and drop off even on holidays and at night. For overtime work, overtime allowance, midnight allowance, and holiday allowance will be paid separately. However, in the case of intermittent work such as an officer driver, the employer can exclude the application of overtime work by obtaining permission from the government agency. Therefore, some companies are exempt from the obligation to pay overtime and holiday allowances, so there may be no other than midnight allowances.



The work of executive drivers is intermittent!

We have touched on the working styles of executive drivers, but could you deepen your understanding of the work system and salary? It can be said that executive drivers often work intermittently because the pick-up time is different. Therefore, it is important to check the treatment to see if overtime work is permitted. If you are a "Transact" that provides a service to dispatch drivers, you can work as an executive driver with favorable treatment.





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2024 / 08 / 21

■Will I be paid for waiting time? Commentary on how to work as an executive driver!

■Will I be paid for waiting time? Commentary on how to work as an executive driver!

Speaking of executive drivers, many people may have the image of receiving a high salary because they are private drivers. However, some people may be holding off on changing jobs because they are worried about how the waiting time will be handled and whether they will have to work on holidays. Therefore, here, we will explain the salaries of executive drivers while they are on standby and the treatment of working on holidays.



1. What is the job of an executive driver?

Officer drivers are drivers who pick up and drop off officers including the president who works for a specific company. In some cases, they are dispatched by taxi companies. Since people outside the company may be on board, the technical ability to drive according to the customer's needs is required. It is part of my job to learn etiquette and always remember to be considerate. Working hours should be aligned with the officer's schedule. Therefore, executive drivers often have to work on holidays and overtime.


2. How long do you drive in a day?

The amount of time an officer driver drives throughout the day is governed by the officer's schedule. First of all, the work of the day starts from picking up the officers at their homes. After sending the officer to the company, it is waiting time until the officer finishes the work. As soon as the officer's business is over, I will run the car to the officer's house again. The driving time will also vary depending on how far the executive's house is from the company. In general, it seems that it will be about 2 to 4 hours driving per day. When an officer goes to a business partner, it is necessary to pick up and drop off to the visiting place. When traveling on a long-distance business trip, we may need to pick you up at the airport or station, so the driving time will be longer depending on the pick-up location.


3. Wait time is break time?

Officer drivers must stand by while officers are on duty. All hours other than operating hours are waiting times. Therefore, it is common for executive drivers to wait for 5 to 7 hours while driving for 2 to 4 hours a day. Including break time, it will be restricted to 9 hours a day. I don't have time to spend the waiting time freely, so I use the time to check the executives' schedules and clean and maintain the car. It is important to prepare carefully so that executives and business partners can ride with peace of mind.

In addition, wages will be incurred even when the driver is not driving, so we conduct preliminary research so that we can always provide high-quality service while we are waiting. If an officer visits a business partner, know the route to the business partner. Remember the back roads and shortest routes in case of an accident or traffic jam. If officers have lunch on the move, it is also important to find out what restaurants are available along the way.

Basically, it is not necessary for the executive driver to actively talk to you, but when you are spoken to by an executive, you need to answer accurately. Therefore, I check on a daily basis so that I can respond to topics such as traffic information, weather, and social conditions so that I can talk to you at any time. Even if you are given a topic you don't understand, you need the ability to have a conversation. It is also the duty of the executive driver to make sure that the atmosphere in the car is good so that the executives can work comfortably.


4. Do you have designated working hours?

The working hours of executive drivers are the same as those of general employees, and the basic working hours are determined. Therefore, it is not a commission system like a taxi driver, so it can be said that there are many cases where you can get a stable monthly salary. However, although working hours are fixed, there are many cases where executives ask for pick-up and drop-off outside working hours. We are asked to pick up and drop off even on holidays and at night for entertainment with business partners and errands. In the case of overtime work, overtime pay, late-night pay, and holiday pay will be paid separately. However, in the case of intermittent work such as executive drivers, the employer can exempt the application of overtime work by obtaining permission from the administrative agency. For this reason, some companies are exempted from the obligation to pay overtime and holiday allowances, so there are cases where no allowances other than late-night allowances are paid.



The work of an officer driver is intermittent!

We have touched on how executive drivers work, but have you been able to deepen your understanding of the work system and salary? It can be said that executive drivers often work intermittently because pick-up and drop-off times vary. Therefore, it is important to check whether overtime work is permitted or not. If you are a service that dispatches drivers "Transact", you can work as an executive driver with good treatment.





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2024 / 08 / 20

■Officer secretary dispatch staff! What kind of background are you?

■Officer secretary dispatch staff! What kind of background are you?

What kind of experience does the executive secretary of a temporary worker have? When hiring an executive secretary, it is necessary to take immediate action. It is a good idea to ask a temporary staffing company who has a lot of experience as an executive secretary who can respond to the request immediately. What kind of skills do people have specifically registered?



■ I want to demonstrate my clerical and management skills! High management ability

Some of the people who have registered for dispatching have high clerical processing ability, and among them, those who have experience of dispatching as executive secretaries can be said to be professionals. You'll be working with a company executive, so if you can't handle important documents without fail, you won't be able to do this job. In addition, it is necessary to prioritize and process without delay. It is also a characteristic of a competent person to be able to make full use of proper document management and filing skills. Also, since mistakes such as the customer's job title and name are basically not allowed, you will be able to pay attention to the details. In addition, some people have experience, including management. Some of them are now dispatched to work, while others are formerly full-time employees and have multiple executive secretaries, and have been assigned the leadership role of bringing together the secretaries. In large companies, there are many people who are dispatched to work as secretaries, so we sometimes train such people.


■ I want to support the company and boss behind the scenes! Powerful under the edge

One of the important skills required is the ability to instantly determine and support the executives with whom you work to focus on your work. It is also necessary to have the ability to grasp the overall situation in daily work and to be proactive in acting and preparing. You also need to have good insight into what your executives need now and what they should do now. In addition, through social gatherings inviting outside customers and arrangements for important meetings, it is possible to give detailed consideration to how to make arrangements to make customers happy. If this kind of support can be done naturally without burdening the officers, it would be a competent officer secretary. If we can support not only the work of officers but also the work of outsiders so that they can proceed smoothly, we can say that we are truly unsung heroes.


■ I want to make full use of the office software skills I acquired in my previous job! High PC skills

It may be necessary to improve work efficiency and in daily work. It is necessary to hire people who have the ability to respond immediately to the office software installed in the company. Typical software that is used frequently is document creation software, spreadsheet software, and presentation material creation software. You may also need to create business letters and documents, manage expense reimbursement and various numbers, and create materials for presentations to customers. In addition, executive appointments can change frequently. It's common to rebook or respond to sudden schedule changes in your company's meeting room. You will also have to be able to master the schedule management software. Those who work as executive secretaries can contribute to the work of executives by having high PC skills.





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2024 / 08 / 15

■Is it difficult to work as an executive driver? Introducing what the driver needs!

■Is it difficult to work as an executive driver? Introducing what the driver needs!

The job of an executive driver is not particularly difficult compared to other driver positions. However, many people tend to have the image of "somehow difficult work" because they run with the VIP of the company. As a result, some people may hesitate to choose a position as an executive driver. Therefore, this time we will introduce what is necessary for executive drivers.



1. What an executive driver needs!

An executive driver is a driver who belongs to a specific company and transfers the president and officers. With that in mind, I will explain what executive drivers should learn by dividing it into four points.


1-1. Safe driving

As an executive driver, the first thing to keep in mind is safe driving. Safe driving is something that all drivers should adhere to, but it has especially important implications for executive drivers. Because it is a company officer who is in the car. You must be fully aware that in the unlikely event that it can have a significant impact on your entire company. By the way, there are some people who pay attention only to officers by having officers on board, but that is also a problem. Of course, it is important to pay attention to the officers, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the surroundings so as not to be involved in an accident. Always keep in mind the fact that driving safely and getting executives safely to their destination is a top priority for executive drivers.


1-2. Car maintenance

In order to achieve safe driving, not only the precautions while driving but also the maintenance status of the car are important as well. This is because, no matter how carefully the driver drives, poor maintenance of the vehicle itself increases the risk of an accident. Therefore, you need to know all about how to maintain the vehicle. On top of that, it is the job of the executive driver to maintain the car on a daily basis even when not driving. In particular, when driving a long distance with an officer on board, you must not neglect to check the tire pressure. Also, clean the inside of the car and wipe the windows frequently so that the officers can spend their time comfortably in the car.


1-3. No accidents, no violations

In order for officers to ride with peace of mind, it is natural to keep in mind no accidents and no violations. By the way, when hiring a driver, some driving record is required. At that time, the gold license that shows no accidents and no violations is proof that you have advanced technology. Therefore, if you want to be an executive driver, it is important to drive the car carefully so as not to cause an accident or violation before applying. In addition, even after becoming an executive driver, we must strive to maintain a gold license not only for safe driving during work but also for private driving.


1-4. Understanding geography

Officer drivers are required to deliver officers to their destinations on time at the same time as driving safely. For example, if you have an important transaction but you are late for the time, it can be a big loss for your company. To prevent such a situation, it is important to know the geography around the destination. However, no matter how much you hit the travel route in your head, you will still be anxious when you go to the first place. In that case, don't forget to preview it in advance. Nowadays, many cars are equipped with car navigation systems, but it is not uncommon to get lost in crowded places. If you don't know the land, it's a good idea to make a preliminary inspection so that you can reach your destination smoothly.



Understand the work of executive drivers

The job of an executive driver is not difficult at all, but it is true that there are many things that must be done. If you don't understand that point, you may make an unexpected mistake. To prevent mismatches, it is important to know in advance what the executive driver must do. After that, let's think about "whether I can handle it" and "whether I can work hard all the time".





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