
2024 / 08 / 15

■Is it difficult to work as an executive driver? Introducing what the driver needs!

■Is it difficult to work as an executive driver? Introducing what the driver needs!

The job of an executive driver is not particularly difficult compared to other driver positions. However, many people tend to have the image of "somehow difficult work" because they run with the VIP of the company. As a result, some people may hesitate to choose a position as an executive driver. Therefore, this time we will introduce what is necessary for executive drivers.



1. What an executive driver needs!

An executive driver is a driver who belongs to a specific company and transfers the president and officers. With that in mind, I will explain what executive drivers should learn by dividing it into four points.


1-1. Safe driving

As an executive driver, the first thing to keep in mind is safe driving. Safe driving is something that all drivers should adhere to, but it has especially important implications for executive drivers. Because it is a company officer who is in the car. You must be fully aware that in the unlikely event that it can have a significant impact on your entire company. By the way, there are some people who pay attention only to officers by having officers on board, but that is also a problem. Of course, it is important to pay attention to the officers, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the surroundings so as not to be involved in an accident. Always keep in mind the fact that driving safely and getting executives safely to their destination is a top priority for executive drivers.


1-2. Car maintenance

In order to achieve safe driving, not only the precautions while driving but also the maintenance status of the car are important as well. This is because, no matter how carefully the driver drives, poor maintenance of the vehicle itself increases the risk of an accident. Therefore, you need to know all about how to maintain the vehicle. On top of that, it is the job of the executive driver to maintain the car on a daily basis even when not driving. In particular, when driving a long distance with an officer on board, you must not neglect to check the tire pressure. Also, clean the inside of the car and wipe the windows frequently so that the officers can spend their time comfortably in the car.


1-3. No accidents, no violations

In order for officers to ride with peace of mind, it is natural to keep in mind no accidents and no violations. By the way, when hiring a driver, some driving record is required. At that time, the gold license that shows no accidents and no violations is proof that you have advanced technology. Therefore, if you want to be an executive driver, it is important to drive the car carefully so as not to cause an accident or violation before applying. In addition, even after becoming an executive driver, we must strive to maintain a gold license not only for safe driving during work but also for private driving.


1-4. Understanding geography

Officer drivers are required to deliver officers to their destinations on time at the same time as driving safely. For example, if you have an important transaction but you are late for the time, it can be a big loss for your company. To prevent such a situation, it is important to know the geography around the destination. However, no matter how much you hit the travel route in your head, you will still be anxious when you go to the first place. In that case, don't forget to preview it in advance. Nowadays, many cars are equipped with car navigation systems, but it is not uncommon to get lost in crowded places. If you don't know the land, it's a good idea to make a preliminary inspection so that you can reach your destination smoothly.



Understand the work of executive drivers

The job of an executive driver is not difficult at all, but it is true that there are many things that must be done. If you don't understand that point, you may make an unexpected mistake. To prevent mismatches, it is important to know in advance what the executive driver must do. After that, let's think about "whether I can handle it" and "whether I can work hard all the time".





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