
2024 / 01 / 06

■To partner whom business can rely on! Executive secretary job description and benefits of hiring

■To partner whom business can rely on! Executive secretary job description and benefits of hiring

The role of an officer is a very important and responsible role. There are many busy people, and there may be some who find it difficult to manage schedules and work. An executive secretary is recommended because it supports such a busy executive. In this article, we will introduce the main job contents of the executive secretary who will be a reassuring partner for your business and the merits of hiring it.



1. What is the job content of an executive secretary?

The duties of an executive secretary are wide-ranging. First of all, basic duties include "answering phones and visitors". It is common to coordinate visitor appointments and serve tea during visits. In addition, "schedule management" is one of the important jobs of the secretary. There is a pattern in which the executive manages their own schedule and shares it with the secretary, and a pattern in which the secretary puts in a schedule and informs the executive. In addition, we also make "business trip arrangements". Know the executive's schedule in advance and arrange transportation such as planes and trains. In addition to that, I am in charge of tasks such as checking emails received by officers and preparing materials. You will often create documents necessary for business using PowerPoint.


2. What are the skills required for an executive secretary?

In order to perform the above tasks without any problems, an executive secretary is required to have various skills. First of all, computer skills such as Word and Excel. Skills to handle Office software are necessary to create materials used by executives, and of course you must also know basic operations such as e-mail and Internet search. Familiarity with business documents is also an important point, as materials and emails will be written in business-appropriate language.

Depending on where you work, such as foreign-affiliated companies and companies that export products overseas, you may be required to have language skills. English is especially in high demand, so it shouldn't hurt to learn it. Next, information management ability to select and manage information appropriately is also one of the skills required for a secretary. In particular, managing information about your boss's schedule should be treated with caution. Finally, communication skills to facilitate human relationships are also essential skills. A secretary who can mediate between the boss and the people involved and give a good impression to everyone is useful.


3. What are the merits of becoming an executive secretary?

The first advantage of becoming an executive secretary is that you can acquire business etiquette and a polite demeanor. Due to the nature of the work of supporting executives, executive secretaries will always be working around top-notch people. Through dealing with visitors and entertainment, you will naturally acquire an attitude suitable for business, which will also help you improve your skills. Business etiquette and a polite demeanor should be very useful in jobs other than secretarial work.

Another appeal of secretarial work is that it allows you to interact with executives that you normally don't get to interact with. When working in a clerical position, there are few opportunities to interact with management. It is one of the great rewards of a secretary to be involved on a daily basis with the executives who move the company.

And the executive secretary has the advantage of being able to work with pride. There must be many people who dreamed of being a secretary since childhood. You'll feel proud when you're in a job you aspire to, and when you're behind the board.


4. What are the disadvantages of becoming an executive secretary?

While there are many benefits to being an executive secretary, there are also some drawbacks. First of all, the executive secretary must work according to the convenience of the executive. If the executive works late at night, you may have to work overtime, so you may not be able to schedule private appointments. Even when I leave my seat for a little while, I need to call out to other secretaries and ask them to take my place, so I have to be careful. In addition, secretaries work closely with officers. The hard part of secretarial work is that you have to understand the personality of the executive and always think about what they are looking for. In addition, I sometimes worry about interpersonal relationships in the secretariat. There are dozens of secretaries working in large companies, and most of them are women.


5. What is the average annual salary of an executive secretary?

The average annual income of executive secretaries is said to be around 4-4.5 million yen for full-time employees. If you convert it to a monthly salary, it will be around 350,000 yen. The average hourly wage for temporary workers is around 1,700 yen. However, annual income and hourly wages vary greatly depending on the workplace and skills, so it is not possible to generalize. If you work overtime almost every day to match the officer in charge, your annual income will naturally be higher. In addition, secretaries who speak English fluently and who are highly regarded for their work performance tend to be paid higher.


6. What are the characteristics of a person who is suitable for an executive secretary?

The ideal executive secretary is someone who can take care of everyone. Executives are more productive when secretaries look out for everyone around them. It is also important to be able to sense what executives are looking for and act in anticipation. Executives are very busy and don't have the time to tell them exactly what they need to do. Therefore, a secretary who decides the necessary work by himself and completes it is highly valued.

Next, people who can act calmly even if something happens are also suitable for executive secretaries. Unexpected situations are inevitable in secretarial work, such as sudden visits by executives from other companies and canceled schedules. It will be difficult for someone who is panicked and unable to do anything when something happens to do the job of a secretary without any problems. We are looking for people who can always have a relaxed mind and can calmly deal with incidents.

A secretary who comes into contact with important people in the company on a daily basis is in a position where it is easy to know the confidential information of the company. For this reason, it is important to be firm and not leak company secrets. People who are good at conveying information are also suitable for executive secretaries. In order not to waste the time of busy executives, the ability to report only necessary matters in a compact manner is required.


7. What are the benefits of hiring an executive secretary?

What are the benefits of hiring an executive secretary? Specific benefits include:


7-1. You can concentrate on your main work

By hiring a secretary, executives have the advantage of being able to concentrate on their main business. In many cases, executives are responsible for important tasks for business continuity, such as deciding corporate policies and holding discussions with executives of business partners. However, busy executives are busy with various clerical work other than their main work, and it is not uncommon that "the main work does not proceed as expected." Even in such a case, a secretary can be entrusted with messy work. By entrusting secretaries with tasks that executives do not need to do directly, it is possible to create an environment where they can concentrate on their main tasks.


7-2. Oversee miscellaneous affairs

If you hire an executive secretary, it can be said that it is a big merit that "it supervises miscellaneous affairs". There is a wide range of daily miscellaneous tasks such as answering phones and emails, managing schedules and preparing documents. Although executives need to supervise these operations, it is extremely difficult to handle them in the middle of their main operations. Many executives have their secretaries supervise such a huge amount of miscellaneous affairs. If you hire an excellent secretary, you can rest assured that not only will you handle miscellaneous affairs, but they will also thoroughly check the quality. By having the secretary accurately distribute miscellaneous tasks and give appropriate instructions, you can expect results that are comparable to those of executives themselves.


7-3. Become a business adviser

Due to their position, executives sometimes find it difficult to speak frankly with other employees. Business is full of problems. However, there are many cases where people feel lonely and stressed because they have no one to talk to about their worries. Even in such cases, having a secretary can be a good business adviser. The secretary mainly deals with management and executives, and is not involved in hierarchical relationships or factions within the company. Therefore, you can talk freely without any hesitation. You can rest assured that confidentiality will be taken seriously. Also, if you have a secretary as a consultation partner for business, projects, etc., you can hear objective opinions. By consulting with someone you trust, you will be able to proceed with your work from multiple perspectives.



■Executive secretaries are business partners

Hiring an executive secretary has many benefits. Not only do you leave miscellaneous chores to them, but they will also be active as a reliable partner in your business, such as having them consult with you at times. The temporary staffing service “Transact” introduces high-quality secretaries. How about using Transact to find an excellent secretary?





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2024 / 01 / 05

■The reality of the daily life cycle of executive drivers!

■The reality of the daily life cycle of executive drivers!

What kind of day would you spend if you were dispatched to work as an executive driver? Are working hours irregular? What about overtime? Some people are curious about it. Let's take a look at the life cycle of how executive drivers live.



■ Main driver's wake-up time and how to spend the morning

Although the working hours of officers and drivers vary slightly depending on the dispatch contractor, they are generally restricted from 9 am to 6 pm, 9 hours including 1 hour break. The wake-up time will be adjusted to the start time of work, but in the morning you must have enough time to inspect and clean the vehicle. In particular, cleaning should always keep the inside of the car clean so that the officers can spend as much comfort as possible. Therefore, it seems that many people get up early. When the car is in good condition, put it in place. If you are asked to go to work before working hours, you need to wake up at that time. In the morning after the transfer of officers, we will perform simple cleaning and checking inside the car.


■ The main way of spending the afternoon of the driver

Depending on where you are dispatched, you may have some free time to spend the afternoon. It is also possible to take a break or a nap in the workplace where there is a driver's waiting room. Sometimes you can chat with your fellow drivers over a cup of tea, read a magazine, or play on your smartphone. On the other hand, there are times when the schedule of visits is full in the afternoon, and when officers have an appointment for a night banquet, they may have to wait hours in the car until the banquet is over. There are days when the officers are sent to their homes at midnight, and then the work is finally completed after cleaning and inspecting the inside of the car, and it is difficult to manage their physical condition when working hours become irregular. Furthermore, although the schedule of officers is decided in advance, there are many cases where the car is suddenly released in the afternoon. The way the executive driver spends the afternoon seems to have plenty of breaks, but it can also be said to be time to prepare for a sudden job or an evening transfer.


■ Driver's work end time and bedtime

If the officer's schedule is as determined in advance, the business end time will be the fixed time agreed in the contract. There may be some work left to do, such as filling out daily reports and cleaning the car, but overtime work is rare. Therefore, there is plenty of time at night. However, it is the job of the executive driver to stay on top of it. Sometimes you have to answer a sudden night call. For example, due to a sudden trouble with a business partner, a call may come in after the business is completed. In this way, bedtime is not usually irregular, but if a sudden situation occurs, the work end time will be considerably delayed, so bedtime will extend to midnight. Let's do it.





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2024 / 01 / 01

■If you hire by dispatch! How to identify a proper interview for a driver

■If you hire by dispatch! How to identify a proper interview for a driver

Now is the time to hire executive car drivers by dispatch. However, I'm worried about leaving the driving to someone who doesn't know what kind of person it is. How can you tell the driver's aptitude? This time, I will introduce what points you should keep in mind during the interview.



■ Sudden absenteeism is NG! Diligence

One of the merits of using temporary staffing is that "when and as much as you need". To put it the other way around, it doesn't make sense if you can't use it when you need it. First, make sure you have a solid sense of professionalism in your work. Absence without permission is out of the question, but as a member of society, make sure that you are a member of society, such as how much you manage your physical condition on a daily basis and whether you are punctual. It is even better to have diligence, such as learning the way and studying the business of the company you are hired on a regular basis.


■ Closed room while driving! Whether you have the ability to communicate with people

While driving, the time I spend alone with the driver is more uncomfortable than I expected. In the car, you often use your smartphone to work or check materials, but on the other hand, the inside of the car is a little break time between work. You may discover new ideas and discoveries by slightly switching your work brain here. In such a case, a smart driver will call out at the right time. A person with high communication skills is not a person who is good at speaking, but a person who can read the "between" of the other person. It is a so-called "person who can read the air". When you don't want to talk, you keep silent, and when you want to take a break, you go out with a light conversation. I would like to choose a driver with such ability.


■ Whether you have a drinking habit or a fighting habit

Finally, make sure you don't have a drinking habit. I'm not saying it's bad to drink, but the driver and alcohol are the most incompatible combination. As a result of drinking too much the day before, alcohol remained and I was caught by drunk driving ... I can not see it. It is out of the question for those who are drunk and indiscriminately violent or who have a fighting habit from the beginning. Basically, it is safer to choose a person who does not drink alcohol. If not, people who can drink only on holidays and people who can drink alcohol with moderation are good. If you fail to select a driver, it will have a negative effect on you, so you should be very careful.





【 TransACT Group 】

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2023 / 12 / 25

■What is a secret job that only a secretary can do?

■What is a secret job that only a secretary can do?

There are many opinions that even a secretary does not know what kind of work he is doing. Certainly, as the name "secret" implies, secretaries often know confidential matters and boss personal information that can only be known in the executive class, and it is a profession with many mysterious parts. This time, I would like to introduce a secret job that only such a secretary can do.



■ About schedule management and clerical work

Coordinating and managing the boss's schedule is as important as managing the schedule when it comes to secretaries. Normally, a businessman manages the schedule by himself, but the secretary is attached to the officer so that he can release the officer from troublesome chores and concentrate on his work as the original officer. Adjusting the time so that internal meetings with each department can be held efficiently, and paying attention to the type of restaurant when having dinner with important business partners, it seems that the faces of officers are not smeared with mud. , Accurate work and careful consideration are required. Be aware of the speed of clerical work correctly and carefully, and manage the schedule assuming various situations.


■ About telephone, email, and customer support

As an officer's secretary, it is important to be ashamed when dealing with phone calls, emails, and visitors. We may contact our business partners on behalf of our officers, so be careful not to be rude. It's natural to use the correct honorifics, and to write emails and letters in a business-friendly format. When it comes to phone calls, you may get the boss's personal phone call on your behalf. You will also receive the boss's mail every day. Even in such areas, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the personal information of the boss and take appropriate measures. If it's easy, you need to make your own judgment without asking the boss, but be careful not to make a bad judgment and embarrass your boss.


■ What are the rare tasks that actually exist?

In addition to clerical work and schedule adjustment, other tasks that are rare for ordinary clerical workers include arranging dinner and souvenirs. After coordinating the dinner schedule with the other party, you probably have to meet with the other party's secretary or sales representative to think about which place, which food to serve, and which sake to make a delicious restaurant. .. As with any dinner, you can't afford to fail, but if you're a very important business partner who needs to be enthusiastic, you have to be careful not to miss every detail. After work, I sometimes stop by the store to see what the private room looks like or eat some food. The same is true for souvenirs, and you will need to choose one that is popular these days or one that suits your tastes. Therefore, secretaries need to keep an eye on trends and trends in the world.





【 TransACT Group 】

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2023 / 12 / 23

■What skills do you need for your secretary?

■What skills do you need for your secretary?

As a manager, you may want to have a secretary soon. However, few people understand what kind of ability is needed for secretary. This article introduces the skills and qualifications required for your secretary. These should be a criterion for hiring a secretary, so why not refer to it?



1. Skills required for secretary

Can you specifically imagine the skills you need for your secretary? From here, we will introduce four particularly important skills for promoting secretary work.


1-1. Communication ability

The secretary needs to be able to respond to any partner because he has the opportunity to engage with various people in different positions. Specifically, the basics are to be fair and sincere to everyone, treat with a smile, and clearly convey the necessary information to the other party. In addition, thorough toughness is also important because employees usually touch confidential information, such as personnel changes in executive classes, such as personnel changes in executive classes. Because they may be contacted or negotiated on behalf of the superior, those who can build a good relationship with a wide range of opponents are suitable for the secretary.


1-2. Scheduleing ability

The scheduling ability required for a secretary is a skill that can respond to the sudden changes in a sudden change and to perform the necessary contacts and negotiations promptly to each other. This ability is cultivated by a wealth of experience. It is not unusual for an officer to have a day's schedule. The role of the secretary is to understand the whole picture of the schedule, prevent double booking, and take care to take a regular break. In addition, you must use office software and support online schedule management.


1-3. PC skills

Since the secretary is mainly desk work, it is assumed that basic personal computers such as email, Word, Excel, etc. can be performed. In addition, since you may be required to create presentation materials used in conferences, you also need to apply Word and Excel application skills and use PowerPoint skills. In addition, if you can do a blind touch that is indispensable for improving work efficiency, it will be a strong appeal.


1-4. English skills

In the case of a foreign -affiliated secretary, it is often required to meet in English or make an email, so English communication skills are also required. There are a number of tests and skills that support English proficiency, but TOEIC is the most persuasive. The TOEIC is frequently conducted and can be taken as many times as you want. If you have a TOEIC high score, you can judge that you have the level of English reading skills and listening skills at the level of business.


2. Qualification that secretary wants to have

Now that you understand the practical skills required of your secretary, here are two qualifications that are useful for secretary work.


2-1. Secretary certification

A secretary certification is a qualification to evaluate general manners, telephone response power, conference preparation and document creation skills in addition to understanding the secretary work. It is divided into four stages: 1st, semi -first, second grade, and third grade in order of high difficulty. As a member of society, it is more than 2nd grade that you can evaluate that you have a business manner that can be used in the office. If you become a secretary of the director or the head of the headquarters, you need a higher -ranking test.


2-2. CBS test

The CBS certification is a qualification that uses both Japanese and English, and aims to develop human resources who can perform secretary duties globally. It is widely recognized as a qualification to prove the ability to be an office professional who has both English and Japanese practical processing skills and excellent humanity. It is an essential qualification for those who want to be a foreign secretary. As the company's globalization is progressing, the need for bilingual secretary is growing.



If you have a secretary with various skills, you can aim for a significant work efficiency

Did you understand the skills and qualifications you need for your secretary? The secretary has the ability to support the efficiency of business owners and executives. In particular, hiring a secretary with a wide range of skills can aim for a great deal of work efficiency, and managers can concentrate on their own work. If you are at a loss, why not hire a secretary at this opportunity?





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