■To partner whom business can rely on! Executive secretary job description and benefits of hiring

The role of an officer is a very important and responsible role. There are many busy people, and there may be some who find it difficult to manage schedules and work. An executive secretary is recommended because it supports such a busy executive. In this article, we will introduce the main job contents of the executive secretary who will be a reassuring partner for your business and the merits of hiring it.
1. What is the job content of an executive secretary?
The duties of an executive secretary are wide-ranging. First of all, basic duties include "answering phones and visitors". It is common to coordinate visitor appointments and serve tea during visits. In addition, "schedule management" is one of the important jobs of the secretary. There is a pattern in which the executive manages their own schedule and shares it with the secretary, and a pattern in which the secretary puts in a schedule and informs the executive. In addition, we also make "business trip arrangements". Know the executive's schedule in advance and arrange transportation such as planes and trains. In addition to that, I am in charge of tasks such as checking emails received by officers and preparing materials. You will often create documents necessary for business using PowerPoint.
2. What are the skills required for an executive secretary?
In order to perform the above tasks without any problems, an executive secretary is required to have various skills. First of all, computer skills such as Word and Excel. Skills to handle Office software are necessary to create materials used by executives, and of course you must also know basic operations such as e-mail and Internet search. Familiarity with business documents is also an important point, as materials and emails will be written in business-appropriate language.
Depending on where you work, such as foreign-affiliated companies and companies that export products overseas, you may be required to have language skills. English is especially in high demand, so it shouldn't hurt to learn it. Next, information management ability to select and manage information appropriately is also one of the skills required for a secretary. In particular, managing information about your boss's schedule should be treated with caution. Finally, communication skills to facilitate human relationships are also essential skills. A secretary who can mediate between the boss and the people involved and give a good impression to everyone is useful.
3. What are the merits of becoming an executive secretary?
The first advantage of becoming an executive secretary is that you can acquire business etiquette and a polite demeanor. Due to the nature of the work of supporting executives, executive secretaries will always be working around top-notch people. Through dealing with visitors and entertainment, you will naturally acquire an attitude suitable for business, which will also help you improve your skills. Business etiquette and a polite demeanor should be very useful in jobs other than secretarial work.
Another appeal of secretarial work is that it allows you to interact with executives that you normally don't get to interact with. When working in a clerical position, there are few opportunities to interact with management. It is one of the great rewards of a secretary to be involved on a daily basis with the executives who move the company.
And the executive secretary has the advantage of being able to work with pride. There must be many people who dreamed of being a secretary since childhood. You'll feel proud when you're in a job you aspire to, and when you're behind the board.
4. What are the disadvantages of becoming an executive secretary?
While there are many benefits to being an executive secretary, there are also some drawbacks. First of all, the executive secretary must work according to the convenience of the executive. If the executive works late at night, you may have to work overtime, so you may not be able to schedule private appointments. Even when I leave my seat for a little while, I need to call out to other secretaries and ask them to take my place, so I have to be careful. In addition, secretaries work closely with officers. The hard part of secretarial work is that you have to understand the personality of the executive and always think about what they are looking for. In addition, I sometimes worry about interpersonal relationships in the secretariat. There are dozens of secretaries working in large companies, and most of them are women.
5. What is the average annual salary of an executive secretary?
The average annual income of executive secretaries is said to be around 4-4.5 million yen for full-time employees. If you convert it to a monthly salary, it will be around 350,000 yen. The average hourly wage for temporary workers is around 1,700 yen. However, annual income and hourly wages vary greatly depending on the workplace and skills, so it is not possible to generalize. If you work overtime almost every day to match the officer in charge, your annual income will naturally be higher. In addition, secretaries who speak English fluently and who are highly regarded for their work performance tend to be paid higher.
6. What are the characteristics of a person who is suitable for an executive secretary?
The ideal executive secretary is someone who can take care of everyone. Executives are more productive when secretaries look out for everyone around them. It is also important to be able to sense what executives are looking for and act in anticipation. Executives are very busy and don't have the time to tell them exactly what they need to do. Therefore, a secretary who decides the necessary work by himself and completes it is highly valued.
Next, people who can act calmly even if something happens are also suitable for executive secretaries. Unexpected situations are inevitable in secretarial work, such as sudden visits by executives from other companies and canceled schedules. It will be difficult for someone who is panicked and unable to do anything when something happens to do the job of a secretary without any problems. We are looking for people who can always have a relaxed mind and can calmly deal with incidents.
A secretary who comes into contact with important people in the company on a daily basis is in a position where it is easy to know the confidential information of the company. For this reason, it is important to be firm and not leak company secrets. People who are good at conveying information are also suitable for executive secretaries. In order not to waste the time of busy executives, the ability to report only necessary matters in a compact manner is required.
7. What are the benefits of hiring an executive secretary?
What are the benefits of hiring an executive secretary? Specific benefits include:
7-1. You can concentrate on your main work
By hiring a secretary, executives have the advantage of being able to concentrate on their main business. In many cases, executives are responsible for important tasks for business continuity, such as deciding corporate policies and holding discussions with executives of business partners. However, busy executives are busy with various clerical work other than their main work, and it is not uncommon that "the main work does not proceed as expected." Even in such a case, a secretary can be entrusted with messy work. By entrusting secretaries with tasks that executives do not need to do directly, it is possible to create an environment where they can concentrate on their main tasks.
7-2. Oversee miscellaneous affairs
If you hire an executive secretary, it can be said that it is a big merit that "it supervises miscellaneous affairs". There is a wide range of daily miscellaneous tasks such as answering phones and emails, managing schedules and preparing documents. Although executives need to supervise these operations, it is extremely difficult to handle them in the middle of their main operations. Many executives have their secretaries supervise such a huge amount of miscellaneous affairs. If you hire an excellent secretary, you can rest assured that not only will you handle miscellaneous affairs, but they will also thoroughly check the quality. By having the secretary accurately distribute miscellaneous tasks and give appropriate instructions, you can expect results that are comparable to those of executives themselves.
7-3. Become a business adviser
Due to their position, executives sometimes find it difficult to speak frankly with other employees. Business is full of problems. However, there are many cases where people feel lonely and stressed because they have no one to talk to about their worries. Even in such cases, having a secretary can be a good business adviser. The secretary mainly deals with management and executives, and is not involved in hierarchical relationships or factions within the company. Therefore, you can talk freely without any hesitation. You can rest assured that confidentiality will be taken seriously. Also, if you have a secretary as a consultation partner for business, projects, etc., you can hear objective opinions. By consulting with someone you trust, you will be able to proceed with your work from multiple perspectives.
■Executive secretaries are business partners
Hiring an executive secretary has many benefits. Not only do you leave miscellaneous chores to them, but they will also be active as a reliable partner in your business, such as having them consult with you at times. The temporary staffing service “Transact” introduces high-quality secretaries. How about using Transact to find an excellent secretary?
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