■The secretarys appearance and manners of clothes will be released to the public

Those who have already worked as secretaries or who are going to be certified as secretaries need to have a proper understanding of their appearance and manners of clothing. Secretaries are a job that is especially popular with women, and many people have a gorgeous image, but when compared to other occupations, the manners of dressing are strict. Here, we will introduce some tips for grooming that will make a good impression as a secretary.
1. Points of grooming as a secretary!
When working as a secretary, you need to be careful about your appearance. The secretary's appearance is basically office casual, so let's keep the point. First of all, it is important to choose the secretary's clothes that are elegant and neat. Since secretaries meet many people in their work, they are required to be dressed so that they will not feel uncomfortable with any person. Specifically, be sure to choose clothes that have a refreshing color that suits the season and a size that suits your body shape. For women, you should refrain from fashion with too open chest or too short skirt. In addition, secretaries tend to prefer bright and refreshing images without the need for ornate decorations.
Second, it's also important for the secretary to dress comfortably next to her boss. The secretary may also entertain the customer of the boss. Therefore, it is necessary to wear fashion that does not seem strange to anyone. If you can create a feminine and soft atmosphere by focusing on clothes with beautiful eyes like office casual clothes, it will be a good impression even when there are visitors. Another aspect is that fashion, which is highly functional and easy to move, makes it easier to work. Femininity is also required for the secretary's clothing, but ease of movement is also essential, so try combining a flared skirt or a tight skirt made of stretch material with your blouse or jacket. Choose your shoes carefully and avoid those with too high heels or too flashy heels.
2. You can do it right away! Office casual basics
In order to realize office casual, let's aim for fashion that is in line with the basics. For general office casual wear, a shirt or cut-and-sew is used as the top, and skirts and pants are worn here. Wear a jacket or cardigan on the outerwear. In office casual, you should refrain from overexposure and cleanliness. Also, fashion that is too casual, such as denim and hoodies, is not suitable. Although the secretary's clothes need to be gorgeous to some extent, the point is to refrain from flashy accessories and fashion with gorgeous patterns and colors, and to put together simple items that make a good impression on everyone.
3. Let's prepare! List of recommended fashion items
There are several items you need to incorporate the office casual fashion that is the basis of your secretary's grooming. If you work as a secretary, be sure to have one set of suits on hand. The colors and shapes are basic, and it is useful to choose one with high functionality. Depending on where you work, you may have to go to a meeting attended by your boss or entertain with a business partner, so it is convenient to have a jacket on hand. As for the jacket, a simple one that can be matched with any tops and bottoms, and one that can produce a proper feeling just by putting it on is suitable. When buying a jacket, make sure you have a good quality jacket that you can wear for a long time and one that is reasonably priced so that it doesn't matter if it gets a little dirty.
A blouse is an indispensable item in a secretary's office casual fashion. The point is to prepare two patterns, one that looks good just by wearing one blouse and the other that is designed to match the jacket. In particular, blouses made of pastel colors and thick materials give a feminine and positive impression. In addition, if you have a knit with a simple design, you can quickly put it on for air conditioning and when you go out.
As for the bottom, it's a good idea to choose a flared skirt or tight skirt with an elegant length. The secretary's fashion is based on skirts, but it can be helpful to have pants that are stretchy and easy to move around. Next, if you have a lot of dinners, bring a few dresses. When choosing a dress, choose a dress with a lighter color and a softer atmosphere than a dark one for a more feminine impression. In addition, choose small items such as bags and shoes that are functional and fashionable. Choose a bag that is large enough to hold your belongings, and shoes with heels of 5 cm or less are a good impression.
■Hold down your clothes etiquette and become a good secretary!
In order to be a secretary who impresses the people around you, you need to know the correct manners regarding grooming and clothing. The secretary's fashion is basically office casual, so the point is to choose one with excellent functionality while having a simple design. Aim to be an elegant and clean secretary with all the necessary items.
【 TransACT Group 】
■Who can have a good conversation with a secretary? !

What kind of person is an ideal secretary? The point is to be considerate of your boss casually and to support your boss so that he can work smoothly and comfortably. For that purpose, I summarized what kind of things should be emphasized when choosing a secretary.
■ Can you speak positively with respect?
Isn't the role of the secretary to make the other person talk comfortably? If you have that ability, you will be able to listen to the other person's story well and build a smooth relationship. If you can hear what you really mean, you will be able to see if your boss will be able to work comfortably. To that end, it is important to be a person who has the ability to hear with respect without denying what the boss says. Thorough training is required to improve communication skills, but communication skills are the first step as a secretary, and it is the field that the secretary dispatching company should focus on most, and the requester also has the highest expectations. Is to do.
■ Can you talk to the other person without giving a one-sided explanation?
Another important thing for the secretary is to listen to her boss. By taking the stance of listening to what your boss has told you, you may be able to see problems that you couldn't see. For that, it is desirable to have a person who speaks at the pace of his boss, not a secretary who speaks at his own pace. Also, I would like you to have a technique to match the topic well so that your boss can talk comfortably. Building a relationship of trust that allows you to talk comfortably with your boss will allow your boss to give more carefree opinions and help your secretary properly support your boss. As a dispatch secretary, you will always be conscious of such techniques by thoroughly training at a staffing agency.
■ Can you talk with the other person's eyes?
Eye contact is very important for smooth conversation with people. When talking and listening, it is important to keep an eye on the other person's eyes when communicating. Diverting your eyes can be perceived as unconfident in your remarks or, in the worst case, lying. If you talk while looking closely at the other person's facial expressions, you can understand the other person's reaction, so you can communicate smoothly. It also has the advantage that it is easy to convey your favor to the other party. On the other hand, if you make proper eye contact while listening to the other person's story, it will also lead to the appeal that you are listening to your story. When requesting, you may be able to work smoothly if you ask for a dispatch secretary who can make such eye contact.
【 TransACT Group 】
■A must-see for anyone who wants a secretary! The secretary has these benefits!

Having a secretary beside the president has many benefits. Since the secretary has a wide range of work, he is indispensable for the smooth running of business. However, hiring a secretary has its disadvantages and requires careful judgment. We will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a secretary, so please refer to it when you get lost.
1. What the secretary will do
The secretary is a very convenient person who supports the work of the president from various aspects. It manages schedules, keeps in touch with inside and outside the company, and responds to customers so that the president can handle the work smoothly. The secretary will organize the information necessary for the president's work, create materials, and prepare the materials necessary for the meeting, which will help improve work efficiency. It is the secretary's job to support the president in a wide range, such as preparing dinner and parties.
2. Benefits of having a secretary
Having a secretary has many benefits for the president. Let's check what kind of benefits it has.
2-1. You can concentrate on your main business
By leaving the troublesome paperwork such as document preparation, schedule management, and schedule adjustment to the secretary, the president can concentrate on his work. The secretary will do all the work that you can do on your behalf, such as running SNS and transferring money to a subcontractor, so you don't have to worry about anything other than your main work.
2-2. Can be entrusted with miscellaneous tasks
In order to facilitate relationships with business partners, it is necessary to carry out tasks that are not related to the president's original duties, such as telegrams for ceremonies and condolences, arrangements for gifts and New Year's cards. If you are a large company with many business partners, the scope and number of miscellaneous tasks will increase, which may hinder your main business. If you hire a secretary, you can take care of all the chores, so the president can work efficiently. If the president's work becomes more efficient, it will eventually lead to an improvement in the work efficiency of the entire company.
2-3. Become a familiar understanding person
By working with the secretary, you will be able to grasp the president's intentions without saying anything, and you will be a good understanding person. Business owners sometimes feel lonely, but having a secretary at such times can be a mental support. Hiring a secretary not only makes your job easier, but also makes you mentally grateful.
2-4. Helps improve the image of yourself and your company
It can be said that the secretary is an excellent supporter for the president. No matter how detailed the work, such as managing schedules or arranging gifts, cannot be neglected for the operation of the company. If you can hire a good secretary, you will be able to appeal to the outside that you are not neglecting miscellaneous tasks, which will help improve the image of the president and the company.
3. Disadvantages of having a secretary
While having a secretary has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages.
3-1. Cost
Of course, having a secretary costs labor costs. The average hourly wage of a secretary in Tokyo is said to be 1390 yen, so it is difficult to keep hiring a good secretary with the salary of hiring a part-time job. If you add social insurance premiums, it will cost you a certain amount, so you may want to hire but not hire. You need to make a careful decision by comparing the benefits and productivity of hiring and not hiring a secretary.
3-2. It is difficult to find excellent human resources
Secretaries are required not only to have general business etiquette, but also to have advanced paperwork, information gathering, and communication skills. Finding a good secretary with all these abilities can be a daunting task. Even if you find a good secretary, it can be a high labor cost, which is a problem for the company.
If you are a good secretary, leave it to TransACT America Inc.!
Hiring a good secretary helps the president focus on his core business, helping the company work more efficiently. Transact Co., Ltd., which provides introduction of highly qualified and excellent human resources and creates an environment, fully supports the president who is looking for a secretary. If you are looking for a secretary, please leave it to Transact, as we can make proposals that meet your needs, such as temporary staffing, temporary staffing, temporary staffing, and business contracting.
【 TransACT Group 】
■Do you know? The difference between a dispatched secretary and an employee secretary!

What is the difference between working as a secretary for temporary staffing and working as a secretary for regular employment such as employees? I have summarized the main differences in terms of treatment, job content, experience and required skills to get this job.
■ You don't need a qualification to become a secretary! Become a secretary from an in-house career
When working as a temporary worker, the scope of work is often predetermined, and there are not many major changes in job content. In the case of employees, they may change departments, and their roles and responsibilities may change. We need to be flexible in responding to changes in the company. You may have to start a new study of a language that you didn't need before, or you may have to acquire a qualification related to your work. Some of the employees who work as secretaries have had different jobs in other departments. Some people applied because there was an in-house recruitment. In addition, there are many people who have been judged to be suitable in their work so far and have taken up the job of secretary when there are vacancies due to retirement. Few companies require special qualifications to work as a secretary. Since companies do not need to be educated from the beginning, they tend to focus more on relationships, business knowledge, and experience within the company they have cultivated, rather than qualifications.
■ Register with a temporary agency! The dispatch secretary is convenient in terms of both cost and deadline
Those who work by temporary staffing will be registered with the temporary staffing company and will be introduced to various companies through the temporary staffing company. You are not fixed to one destination, and you may be able to gain work experience in companies of various industries and sizes. Once the company to which you are dispatched is decided, the renewal period will be set based on the contract. Usually, the contract is one month, three months, or half a year, and it will be continued while renewing each contract. The main reasons for hiring a dispatched secretary at a company are often that employees are absent from work due to illness or injury, or are substitutes during maternity or childcare leave. Occasionally, you will be dispatched to specialize in a limited-time project. Therefore, the dispatch period also varies. In some cases, such contracts do not have a fixed deadline. Within the scope of the law, we may work at the same dispatched company while renewing each contract for a long period of time.
■ Labor costs are definitely better to hire by dispatch than to hire as a full-time employee! ?
The company also has various aspects depending on its business performance, and the problem of labor costs is one of the important matters in the management of the company. Still, we must secure the necessary human resources. When the company is in a fluid situation, it may be one way to hire temporary staff by using a temporary staffing company. When labor costs are tight, it is likely that labor costs can be curtailed by replacing some occupations with these forms of employment. The job of a secretary is clear because even a temporary staffing company has a lot of experienced personnel. If you want to reduce labor costs, you may want to consider requesting a temporary staffing agency.
【 TransACT Group 】
■Verification! Is it true that many secretaries are beautiful?

It is said that many secretaries are beautiful. Is that true? Some may be wondering if there is any reason if it is true. So, I will tell you why there are so many beautiful women in the secretary.
■ Are there really many beautiful women in the first place?
The secretary does not have accurate statistics on whether there are really many beautiful women, and the definition of beautiful women is not clear. Therefore, it is difficult to show with a clear basis whether there are really many beautiful women. However, I often hear that the secretary of the company's president often feels beautiful, and the secretaries of other companies often feel beautiful. In general, few people argue that a secretary is a beautiful woman. The reason may be that many people have experienced that the secretary they actually saw was a beautiful woman, but also because they did not feel uncomfortable with the secretary they saw. It is thought that the reason why many secretaries are said to be beautiful is that they do not receive negative evaluations from people as well as positive evaluations.
■ Do you like the person in charge?
Even though many secretaries are beautiful, it is difficult to accurately define them, and each person has different criteria for thinking that they are beautiful. So what are the criteria for a company to hire a beautiful secretary? Is it the preference of the hiring manager or the president himself? Of course, it is undeniable that the taste is reflected to some extent. When deciding to hire not only by appearance but also by overall impression, it is possible to give high marks to appearances that have a certain tendency unconsciously. Therefore, it is possible that different companies have different types of female receptionists and secretaries. However, recruiters may not be hiring to their liking. At least consciously, you think it's the job of the hiring manager to choose someone who looks good for the company, that is, who makes a good impression on many people.
■ What is company branding?
When hiring a secretary, the hiring manager hires someone who looks good to many people. So why do secretarial recruiters prioritize sealing their tastes and making a good impression on people outside the company? The reason is to improve the brand image of the company. If the company building is tattered, the customer will feel "OK, this company", but if it is a new and shiny building, it will give the impression that "it is a company with momentum". In the same way, when someone outside the company sees a beautiful secretary, it gives a pleasant impression, which leads to a positive image of the company. Improving the image of a company is called company branding. Placing a beautiful woman as a secretary is part of the company's branding tactics.
【 TransACT Group 】