■One of the secretarial work? ! Grooming points to check

The secretary not only supports the executives of the company, but also has a very important role to influence the image of the company. Temporary employees are attracting attention as one of the forms of employment. Therefore, we have summarized the grooming points that you should check when hiring a secretary dispatch.
■ Checkpoint ① Is there a feeling of cleanliness?
It is said that the first impression has a big impact on what kind of person you meet for the first time, but the interview test is no exception. In particular, when hiring as a secretary, it has a great influence on the image of the company, so it is essential to check the appearance of the applicant when taking charge of the interview test. First of all, it is important to check if there is a feeling of cleanliness. Of course, your clothes should be clean, but check that your cuffs and collar are clean. Of course, you can't miss the fact that the shoes are in good condition. Also, I'm worried about my mouth. After all, it can be said that a person who has good tooth care is desirable. If you're a man, check that your beard isn't growing. Some people wear perfumes and colognes, but it's also important that the odor isn't too tight.
■ Checkpoint ② Isn't the clothes and makeup gorgeous?
The clothes for the employment examination depend on the type of business, but it is common to wear a suit. Especially for those who want to be hired as a secretary, it is also a checkpoint whether they will come in a suit. Of course, you can't get a suit with a strange color or pattern. Also, make-up is not good if it is too flashy, but no make-up is also not desirable. Also check if you have a natural make-up. The impression you get from your hairstyle is also important. There are many women with long hair, but the point is that they are organized so that they do not have to brush their hair after bowing. I like people who also have hair color and nails. Also, for men, it is ideal to have a hairstyle that feels refreshing.
■ Checkpoint ③ Can you act by reading the air in consideration of harmony with the surroundings?
The work of a secretary is very diverse, such as managing the schedule of officers and writing documents. It is also important to always be a supporter. You also need to determine if you can maintain confidentiality. Of course, it is also a secretary's qualification to be able to act by reading the atmosphere of the place while considering harmony with the surroundings. To that end, it is important to choose a person with a bright and refreshing impression. Of course, you also need the skills to look ahead and get the job done. However, don't bring your thoughts to the fore, and make sure that you follow the ideas of the supporting officers.
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